Bachelor's, Master's and Doctorate Degrees Available

The Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE) Department offers degrees in both Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering at the bachelor, masters and doctoral levels. Both the Electrical Engineering and Computer Engineering programs are accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission of ABET, We provide a broad range of core undergraduate courses in both majors as well as a significant number of advanced graduate courses. Our undergraduate curriculum also offers many hands-on lab experiences that culminate in our senior Capstone experience.

Project-Based Experience for Seniors

The ECE Department has developed a unique, project-based Capstone experience that challenges each senior to develop a custom-designed product for a disabled client. Over the last 18 years the Assistive Technology Program has delivered over 1500 products to the disabled population, serving many local agencies and their clients. The Assistive Technology Program has attracted international interest and is currently being adopted by universities in India as a part of their curricula.

Who We Are

The ECE Department has over 400 undergraduate students and 170 graduate students and represents the largest department in the College of Engineering The department is home to 22 full-time faculty who are engaged in a wide range of internationally recognized research on topics such as computational electromagnetics, photonics, computer engineering, nanomaterials, renewable energy, VLSI Design, control theory, biosensors and image processing. ECE has five research centers and over 15 laboratories that cover a variety of specializations that reflect the diversity of the electrical and computer engineering disciplines.

Work-Ready Graduates

ECE maintains significant interaction with industry to insure that our curriculum and programs are relevant to the engineering companies who hire our graduates. One mechanism for this interaction is through our Industrial Advisory Board which meets every semester. Our location in the high-tech corridor of Massachusetts provides many opportunities for ECE students to enhance their academic experience through internships as well as part-time and summer employment.