Strong Undergraduate Foundation
The Chemical Engineering Program builds a strong foundation for the professional development of its students. With a bachelor’s degree, graduates are well equipped for a wide variety of positions as practicing chemical engineers or for graduate studies in engineering and science. To achieve these broad objectives, the program provides the knowledge, skills and resources for lifelong learning and professional development.
A Complementary Graduate Program
An important focus of the department is undergraduate education. The majority of our graduates stay in the New England area. The graduate program builds upon the strengths of the department faculty and complements the undergraduate program. The faculty have close ties primarily with local and regional industry through consulting, research, advising graduate students from regional companies, and participation in local, as well as national professional society meetings.
The department obtains input from its advisory board to continually assess the relevancy of the curriculum to the needs of industry. The quality of the program is of constant importance and interaction with industry helps to maintain and improve it. More importantly, department courses are taught only by faculty. Graduate students are used only as laboratory and grading assistants.