Faculty Menu of Services

A tutor and student, seated, look over a notebook at the UMass Lowell Tutoring Center.

Faculty can request tutoring data, have someone visit a class to explain tutoring, and collaborate with CLASS in a variety of other ways.

Faculty Recommendation for Tutors

Has a student asked you for a recommendation, or do you have someone in mind that you think would make a great tutor? Please complete the Faculty Recommendation for Tutors form.

Tutoring Request Form

Do you think students would benefit from drop-in tutoring for your course? If so, please use our Tutoring Request Form to formally let us know.

Course Visit Request

Would students in your course benefit from a visit from a representative for Centers for Learning, Advising & Student Success tutoring? We can coordinate having a tutor - or a member of our professional staff - visit your course to introduce themself and discuss tutoring. Please submit the Course Visit Request. Faculty, please use this form to request a visit from either a tutor or a professional staff member for CLASS. During this visit, we can discuss tutoring and the searchable schedule. This is also an opportunity for tutors to introduce themselves to their peers.

Searchable Schedule QR Code for Syllabus

Whenever possible, we would love for faculty to promote tutoring to students. Please add information about tutoring to your syllabus and Blackboard. Download our searchable schedule QR code and add it to your syllabus, Blackboard, or other course materials. (Downloads can be found under the "Downloads" section of this webpage).

Tutoring PowerPoint Slide for Lectures

Please download and add the tutoring PowerPoint slide to your lecture slides. This quick slide covers general information about tutoring. (Downloads can be found under the "Downloads" section of this webpage).

Syllabus/Blackboard Statement

Please feel free to add the following statement to your syllabus/Blackboard:

The Centers for Learning, Advising & Student Success (CLASS) offers free drop-in tutoring to all UML students. There are locations on North, South, and East campus. Tutoring is available every day except Saturday. In addition to regular business hours (Monday - Friday, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m.), there are evening and remote options. Please view our searchable schedule online.

Keep in mind that many departments also offer centralized tutoring based out of the academic buildings where courses are located. This is another great way to receive free tutoring. The CLASS searchable schedule does compile all this tutoring in one convenient website.

We encourage you to try tutoring with multiple individuals and in different locations. You may find you connect better with one tutor than another or that one style works better for your learning process than another. Keep in mind that tutoring is a component of the learning process; make tutoring a regular part of your schedule, in addition to attending class and office hours, and your efforts will pay off.

Sharing Syllabi with our Tutors

We would like to maintain a database of current syllabi. Please send us an updated syllabus for your course or courses. We share this information with peer tutors so that they know what to expect in your course and how to best prepare for students’ needs. Use the Submitting a Syllabus form to upload relevant syllabi. Faculty, please use this form to submit a syllabus to the tutoring coordinators. We maintain an up-to-date syllabus library for peer tutors to use. This helps assist them in preparation for students and allows them to provide targeted support.

Tutoring Data

Are you considering awarding extra credit for students who utilize tutoring, but only within certain parameters? Are you interested in seeing which students attended tutoring? If so, please use our Tutoring Data Request form. Faculty, please use this form to request data reflecting visits for your course. We can identify specific students who have visited, the number of times they visited, where they visited, and when they visited.

College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Logo

College Reading and Learning Association (CRLA) Accreditation

The tutoring program offered through the Centers for Learning, Advising & Student Success (CLASS) is accredited by the CRLA. CRLA accredited tutoring programs are required to maintain certain standards to ensure quality and effective implementation of tutoring; one key component of CRLA accreditation is tutor training.

All tutors are welcome to attend our trainings, whether they are employed by CLASS or not. Typically, CLASS holds a day-long seminar each semester involving faculty and staff presenters. If you are interested in participating as a presenter or would like to see about partnering together to gain CRLA certification for your departmental tutoring program, please reach out by email to: Tutoring@uml.edu.