Please review the list of available workshop and presentation topics. You can choose the ones that best fit your students' needs and academic objectives.

  • Presentation Description: How much do you know about Centers for Learning? Are you ready to Play the Feud to prove it? This is a fun, gameshow-based activity to test your knowledge of the different services, locations, and related info about the awesome Centers for Learning, Advising, & Student Success Team.
  • Outcomes: Learn in a 'fun' game-show type way, while being interactive w/ the audience. Tailoring fun questions to that pertain to the audience & a brief overview of CLASS Services and Locations.
  • Workshop Type: Interactive Activity
  • Target Audience: All students (any major or grade level)
  • Time Length: 25-35 minutes
  • Facilitation Options: In-Person

  • Presentation Description: Professional communication is a skill worth developing! This presentation will explore the four mediums of communication: written, verbal, non-verbal, and visual. Students will learn how to effectively communicate with faculty and staff in ways that promote their learning experience. The presentation will assist in understanding the importance of communication and its relation to the construction of professional relationships.
  • Workshop Type: Interactive Presentation
  • Target Audience: All students (but best geared towards freshmen/sophomores) 
  • Time Length: 40-45 minutes
  • Facilitation Options: In-Person Recommended

  • Presentation Description: Final Exams are usually a large portion of your grade, and the sooner you create a plan for being ready for Finals, the better. We will review how to create a plan for preparing for Finals, identifying resources to help, and how to stick to it for making the most out of it.
  • Outcomes: Create a plan for studying for Final Exams (time, tasks, methods); Be aware of academic support resources; Practice self-care specific to late-semester and Final Exams
  • Workshop Type: Interactive Presentation
  • Target Audience: All students (any major or grade level)
  • Time Length: 15-45 minutes
  • Facilitation Options: In-Person or Virtual

  • Presentation Description: A well-rounded college experience includes exposure to new ideas, cultures, and scholastic opportunities. Once students have a clear understanding of their goals and motivation, the next step is to learn how to be productive as they plan each day for success.
  • Outcomes: Students will learn effective strategies to manage their time. Students will be able to identify how setting up a goal can motivate them to be successful.
  • Workshop Type: Interactive Presentation 
  • Target Audience: All students (any major or grade level)
  • Time Length: 40-45 mins
  • Facilitation Options: In-Person or Virtual

  • Presentation Description: Understand core values and interests, to help students make informed decisions. Explore the requirements and process of changing a major or adding a minor and creating a “what if” report, which helps you know more of the courses for the new major/minor.  
  • Outcomes: Students engage in some self-reflection/self-discovery. Students feel confident that their personal/academic/career goals & interests can translate into a program of study. Students will also understand the UML resources available to them to assist with this process.
  • Workshop Type: Interactive Presentation
  • Target Audience: All students (but best suited for newer/incoming students or undeclared students).
  • Time Length: 60 minutes
  • Facilitation Options: In-Person or Virtual

  • Presentation Description: Self-care is any activity that we do deliberately to take care of our mental, emotional, and physical health. Gratitude can redirect negative and anxious thoughts, even if only for a moment, while also aiding in our improved health.  This session will be interactive, reflective, and may require some vulnerability and braveness on your part.  We cannot wait to see you! 
  • Workshop Type: Interactive Presentation
  • Target Audience: Faculty, staff, or students.
  • Time Length: 15-45 minutes
  • Facilitation Options: In-Person or Virtual

  • Presentation Description: Success looks different for all of us. Let's look at the basics for succeeding in Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM). You already know more than you think.
  • Outcomes: Students will learn effective study techniques and strategies to study smarter not harder. Students will be able to identify the differences in studying STEM vs. non-STEM classes. Students will identify relevant support services at UML and beyond. 
  • Workshop Type: Interactive Presentation
  • Target Audience: Freshman/sophomores and students who are new to STEM (any major)
  • Time Length: Up to 45 minutes
  • Facilitation Options: In-Person Recommended