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Learning Outcomes for the Master of Science in Applied Biomedical Sciences

Learning Outcomes

Ethics (scientific integrity, knowledge of ethical frameworks) and professionalism (ethics in working with others, communication skills)

Program Level

  • Effectively communicate clinical and research findings in both written and oral formats.
  • Follow the principles of ethics and integrity in both medical laboratory and biomedical sciences research settings.
  • Interact collaboratively with people from diverse backgrounds with respect, integrity, and professionalism.
Technical skills (Hands-on experience with advanced technology and platforms) and the ability to discern and deliver valid results
Program Level 
  • Accurately perform advanced techniques in clinical diagnostics and biomedical discovery.
  • Critically evaluate the validity of experimental and clinical data, including quality control results, and propose approaches to resolve technical questions. 
Deep understanding of the meaning of data (data analysis, clinical statistics)
Program Level
  • Apply in-depth and specialized chemical, biological, and molecular principles to the interpretation of medical laboratory and biomedical sciences research data.
  • Apply advanced statistical analyses to medical laboratory and biomedical sciences research data.
  • Evaluate, critique, and interpret the latest scientific literature in medical laboratory and biomedical sciences.
  • Implement the latest technologies in medical laboratory and biomedical sciences research settings.
Leadership, creativity, versatility, including taking initiative in problem recognition and problem solving
Program Level
  • Recognize potential problems with medical laboratory and biomedical sciences research methods and results and propose courses of action to resolve.
  • Creatively apply advanced theoretical and technical knowledge of clinical laboratory sciences to the evolving practice of laboratory medicine.
  • Implement new diagnostic techniques in a medical or biomedical sciences research laboratory.