Master's Programs in Music
The Music Department offers the following graduate degrees:
- Master of Music in Music Education (Research Thesis/Project Track) This does not lead to licensure.
- Master of Music in Music Education (Community Music Option) This does not lead to licensure.
- Master of Music Education (leads to licensure)
Music-EducationMRTPCMOMaster of Music in Music Education (Research Thesis/Project Track OR Community Music Option)
Program Objectives
The Master of Music in Music Education (Research Thesis/Project Track OR community Music Option) at UMass Lowell provide advanced study of music teaching and learning and professional preparation for those engaged in or aspiring to a career as a music educator.
The Master of Music in Music Education has two non-certification options consisting of the research-based Research Thesis/Project track for fully-certified music teachers who are seeking professionalization and the Community Music option which serves to broaden the definition of music education to include other venues beyond public school teaching such as community outreach programs, arts organizations and educational media.
All of our programs are designed to facilitate students' growth and development as leaders in the profession of music education; as creative problem solvers and innovative thinkers; as individuals who love music and the arts and utilize their knowledge of and enthusiasm for music to inspire students; and as contributors, through research, to the profession and discipline of music education.
The Music Education curriculum is based on the belief that music educators must have comprehensive knowledge of the subject matter of music, an awareness of current theory and practice in music education, and an understanding of recent curriculum development and contemporary issues in general education.
Admission Requirements
In addition to the admission requirements for all applicants to the Master of Music programs, applicants to the music education program must submit:
- Resume
For the thesis option:
- verification of initial certification in music and/or proof of music teaching experience
- a sample of your scholarly writing about music or music education. This may be a term paper or research paper written in any baccalaureate level music class, providing evidence of writing skills and potential for writing at the level of a graduate thesis.
For the certification option:
- verification of appropriate MTEL passing scores and/or provisional certification.
- an essay of at least three typewritten pages addressing the following:
- The applicant's purpose and specific objectives in pursuing graduate study in music education
- the applicant's philosophy of education in general and arts education in particular
Program Requirements - Community Music Option
Program Requirements - Research: Thesis or Project Option
Certification Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification)
Objectives of the Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification)
The Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification) is for music teachers who are in the process of earning their initial teacher certification in Massachusetts.
The Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification) is also the graduate segment of the music teacher preparation/certification program at the university for Graduates of our Music Studies program. Upon successful completion of the Massachusetts Tests for Educator Licensure (MTEL), Music Studies graduates may apply directly for the Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification) degree. Upon completion of this degree program, through our Graduate School of Education, students may file an application to the Massachusetts Department of Education for initial licensure and become fully certified teachers in Massachusetts.
Admission Requirements
- Applicants must possess a bachelor's degree or its equivalent with a major in music. Applicants who possess an undergraduate degree in music education will not be considered for admission to the Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification), as these students will have completed their student teaching and obtained initial teacher certification. Those applicants will be considered for admission to the Master of Music in Music Education non-licensure tracks.
- Applicants for the Master of Music in Music Education (Teaching Certification) program must present evidence of having passed all parts of the Massachusetts Teachers' Test.
- Official transcripts from each undergraduate and graduate school previously attended must be submitted directly to the Graduate Admissions Office.
- Two letters of recommendation from persons who are qualified to evaluate the applicant's academic and professional abilities.
- Applicants must have taken course work equivalent to the University of Massachusetts Lowell Bachelor of Music in Music Studies degree.
Degree Pathway, Master of Music Education (Teaching Certification)