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Master of Education and Education Specialist, Language Arts & Literacy Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Graduates of the Master of Education in Language Arts & Literacy and Education Specialist in Language Arts & Literacy will be able to:
  • Demonstrate knowledge of theories, research, and practices that undergird reading instruction in the academic disciplines.
  • Select and design appropriate materials and settings for content area literacy assessment and instruction, including vocabulary, comprehension, study skills, writing, and research skills.
  • Use formal and informal diagnostic instruments to determine students' strengths and weaknesses in literacy learning.
  • Select effective instructional programs, strategies and materials, to implement interventions based on the interpretation of literacy assessments.
  • Analyze print and digital forms of young adult literature  in terms of literary quality, reader interest, reading level, and social or political perspectives, and apply appropriate instructional strategies for various genres of young adult literature in classrooms.
  • Design, implement, and analyze programs to support classroom teachers and tutors in the improvement of reading instruction for all students, especially struggling readers and second language learners.