Education Graduate Certificates

Evaluation and Assessment Certificate


The School of Education 15-credit Evaluation and Assessment certificate prepares professionals in the public and private sector to evaluate and assess program outcomes in educational, non-profit and for profit sectors. This certificate allows students to focus on both evaluation and assessment and will be particularly valuable to professionals from public and private sector, who are interested in examining programmatic outcomes, and educators and school administrators, who wish to enhance their assessment capabilities. 

This Program is available entirely online.

Program Advisor
Iman Chahine, Ph.D.

Suggested Degree Pathway for the Graduate Certificate in Evaluation and Assessment⁠

Required Courses
Four (4) Required Courses from the following list (12 Credits)
Course #Course NameCredits
EDUC.6076Data Management and Visualization (quantitative)3
EDUC.7040Qualitative Research3
Assessment of Learning OR
Measurement & Evaluation
Program Evaluation 3
EDUC.XXXXElective (One elective from the list below)3
Elective Courses
One (1) Required Course from the following list (3 credits)
Course #Course NameCredits
EDUC.5280Assessment of Reading and language Disabilities3
EDUC.7101Qualitative Research: Advanced Topics in Analysis3
EDUC.7130Research Writing Seminar
EDUC.7430Program Evaluation: Advanced Topics
EDUC.5590Introduction to Education Special Topics
EDUC.5593Research and Evaluation or analysis course as approved by advisor
XXXX.XXXXOr other methodology or analysis course as approved by advisor
Total number of credits required for the certificate = 15 Credits

Graduate Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Educators

To earn the Graduate Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Educators, students complete 12 credits from courses that explore issues related to equity, social justice and inclusive classroom practice. Urban schools, on average, serve a wider range of students from racially, ethnically and linguistically diverse backgrounds than their suburban or rural counterparts. Such diversity is a great strength for urban schools. Yet it also presents a challenge, not only because schools must be responsive to a broader range of backgrounds and experiences, but also because the most socially and economically marginalized students in our society are overrepresented in urban schools where the vast majority of educators are white and monolingual. In these contexts it is particularly important for educators to practice responsive and inclusive approaches to pedagogy and to be critically aware of how education–as part of a broader system of power–has historically emphasized the deficits of students rather than their strengths. 
The courses for the certificate program are at the same level as master’s program curriculum and can count towards the M.Ed. degree in Curriculum and Instruction if the student wishes to continue beyond the certificate program and is admitted to the M.Ed. program.
This program is available entirely online.
Program Advisor:
Patricia Fontaine

Suggested Degree Pathway for the Graduate Certificate in Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion for Educators

Required Core Courses
Three (3) Required Courses form the following list (9 credits)
Course #Course NameCredits
EDUC.6300Educating Diverse Populations3
EDUC.5101Foundations of Social Justice Education3
EDUC.5102Critical Literacies3
Sub Total9
Elective Courses
One (1) Required Course from the following list (3 Credits)
Course #Course NameCredits
EDUC.5043Methods of Teaching Students with Moderate Disabilities - Secondary3
EDUC.5021Issues, Mandates and Ethics in Special Education3
EDUC.5270Language Acquisition3
EDUC.XXXXAnother course with approval of advisor3
Sub Total3

Total number of credits required for the certificate = 12 Credits