Degree Pathway for Master of Science in Energy Engineering, Renewable (Solar) Option

All programs are 30 credits, consisting of a combination of 15 credits of core course work, a choice of either 6 credits of thesis, 3 credits of project or 15 from courses, and electives.
Required Core Courses in Advanced Mathematics (pick 1)
Course #Course NameCr.
MECH.5200Energy Engineering Workshop3
MECH.5260Nuclear Reactor Physics3
MECH.5540Nuclear Reactor Engineering Analysis3
Required Core Courses (pick 3)
Course #Course NameCr.
MECH.5210Fundamentals of Solar Utilization (Fall)3
MECH.5220Wind Energy Fundamentals (Fall)3
MECH.5270Solar Systems Engineering (Spring)3
MECH.5491Advanced Thermodynamics (Spring)3
MECH.5350Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy (Spring of even numbered years)3
Required Course
Course #Course NameCr.
MECH.5040Energy Engineering Workshop (Fall or Spring)3

Thesis and Course-Only Requirements

There are two pathways to earning an MS degree in Energy Engineering in the Renewable option:
Thesis: 30 credits - 24 credits of courses (15 credits from core), plus 6 credits of thesis
Course-Only: 30 credits - all from courses (15 from core, none from thesis)
Course NumberCourse NameCredits
Total9, 12 or 15 (see options above)
CHEN.5060Colloidal, Interfacial and Nanomaterials Science and Engineering3
CHEN.5080Material Science and Engineering3
CHEN.5100Advanced Separation Processes3
CHEN.5200Advanced Thermodynamics3
CHEN.5230Nanodevices and Electronic Materials3
CHEN.5350Principles of Cell and Microbe Cultivation3
CHEN / ENGY.5390Mathematical Methods for Engineers3
EECE.5130Control Systems3
EECE.5150Power Electronics3
EECE.5250Power Distribution Systems3
EECE.5280Alternative Energy Systems3
EECE.5840Probability and Random Processes3
ENGY.5180Energy Technology, Economics and Policy3
MECH.2580Aero/Wind Engineering3
MECH.5050Directed Studies3
MECH.5130Finite Element Analysis I3
MECH.5200Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations3
MECH.5210Fundamentals of Solar Utilization3
MECH.5220Wind Energy Fundamentals3
MECH.5250Grid-Connected Solar Electrical Systems3
MECH.5260Transport Processes in Energy Systems3
MECH.5270Solar Systems Engineering3
MECH.5280PV Manufacturing3
MECH.5285Energy Policy and Energy Codes3
MECH.5290Fuel Cell Fundamentals3
MECH.5320Off-Grid Solar Electric Systems3
MECH.5330Nanomaterials for Energy3
MECH.5340Green Combustion and Bio-Fuels3
MECH.5350Fundamentals of Sustainable Energy3
MECH.5491Advanced Thermodynamics3
MECH.5540Dynamic Systems and Controls3
MECH.5710Quality Engineering3
MECH.5740Design for Reliability Engineering3
MECH.5750Industrial Design of Experiments3
MECH.5760Engineering Project Management3
MECH.5810Advanced Fluid Mechanics3
MECH.5890Finite Element in Thermo-Fluids3
MECH.6020Special Topic: Thermo-Fluids3
PLAS.5470Materials for Renewable Energy and Sustainability3
MATH.5300Applied Math I3
PHYS.5380Physical Optics3
PHYS.5770Solid State Electronic and Optoelectronic Devices3
Thesis Option (6 credits)
Course NumberCourse NameCredits

Total Credits = 30

Last updated: 1/17/2019