Experiential learning is the hallmark of a UMass Lowell education.

The UML Guarantee

Every first-time, first-year UMass Lowell student will have the opportunity to pursue at least one Career Connected Experience during their undergraduate career, earning pay, credits or both before they graduate.
Whether on campus, in the community or even overseas, there's an opportunity to earn course credit, a competitive paycheck or both. And start your career on the right foot – before you even graduate.

A World of Options

With a wide variety of Career Connected Experiences to choose from, first-year, first-time students can pick one that fits their academic interests, goals and schedule. Greater Lowell and metro Boston’s wealth of innovative employers offers something for everyone, from tech startups to arts nonprofits and everything in between.
UMass Lowell nursing student Matthew Fowler in hospital room

Coops, Internships and Clinicals

“The nursing professors are unbelievable. They have put me in various situations to learn what it’s like to be a nurse.”

- Matthew Fowler, Nursing

UMass Lowell student Annie Cary paddles a canoe

Entrepreneurial and Creative Endeavors

“It was awesome going out to Vancouver Island to do fieldwork. I got to see how lab and fieldwork connect.”

- Annie Cary, Biological Sciences

UMass Lowell student Brooke Sienkiewicz diving in Belize

Global Experiences

“The trip was awesome. I’m so grateful that I get to do field research in the Caribbean.”

Brooke Sienkiewicz, Applied Biology Ph.D.

UMass Lowell student Marita Merheb looks into a microscope

Research and Independent Projects

“I was able to apply most of what I learned from the pharmaceutical industry class to my research internship” at the Chan Medical School.

Merita Merheb, Pharmaceutical Sciences

UMass Lowell students Fidel Castro and Corey Perez speak with a farmer in Pananma

Service Learning

“It really changed my perspective on how fortunate we all are. Coming back to school, I don’t want to take my opportunities for granted.”

- Corey Perez, Finance

Young woman looking at phone while walking down sidewalk on University Ave in Lowell

Visit Us!

Come check out our vibrant city campus. Tours are offered in-person and virtually. Register now for a campus tour or information session.

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