Create your own path. Be the driver of your future career. Combine your passion for creativity or desire to create change with your work in the classroom. Inspire others with your creative work or solutions to real world problems.

What are entrepreneurial and creative endeavors?

Students learn to set their own course by having experiences in early stage start-ups, advancing ideas to solve real world problems, or create artistic, written or performance-based projects. 

DifferenceMakers By the Numbers

  • $5M
    raised by teams
  • 40
    companies formed by teams
  • 11
    Number of teams patents filed or issued

Meet the DifferenceMakers

Prototype of NavLens, which resembles a modern version of eye glasses.
NavLens, Sutherland Innovative Technology Solution

NavLens will help those who are visually impaired by providing navigation in these unfamiliar areas as well as supplemental audio-visual cues to avoid obstacles.

“NavLens will help those who are visually impaired.”
Read More About NavLens, Sutherland Innovative Technology Solution 
Team Rent Scoop holding the 2023 Sutherland Innovative Technology Solution Award.
Rent Scoop

Taking the challenge out of finding the correct information regarding rent in your area.

Rent Scoop is developing an online platform that serves as a database for new renters
Read More About Rent Scoop 
Team Solar Sails holding the 2023 Commitment to a Sustainable Environment Award.
Solar Sails

Working to develop an efficient solar powered drone.

Solar Sails is working to develop an efficient solar powered drone.
Read More About Solar Sails 
Thomas Kiley delivers a rocket pitch for Bar Scene at the DifferenceMaker Idea Challenge
Bar Scene

Bar Scene is a mobile app that serves as a one stop shop for all things night-life and entertainment.

Don’t waste a precious night out at the wrong location. Get ready to go, we’ll take care of the rest!
Read More About Bar Scene 
Tom Stranberg poses outdoors wearing a UMass Lowell sweatshirt
Tom Stranberg '22

Tom Stranberg rounded out his business degree with co-ops at the Boston Federal Reserve and Wayfair.

My co-ops were great work experiences that made my education so much more impactful.
Read More About Tom Stranberg