Become a global citizen. Travel the world, immerse yourself in other cultures and gain a global perspective that will change you and the world.

What are global experiences?

Academic and cultural immersion experiences that expand global perspective and understanding.

By the Numbers

  • 25
    Countries UMass Lowell students have studied in
  • 120
    Partnerships with institutions around the world
  • 2.5
    GPA required to study abroad

Meet Our Students

Jenna Kapp at scenic overlook
Jenna Kapp '19
Peace and Conflict Studies

Peace and Conflict Studies major Jenna Kapp has taken advantage of nearly every opportunity that’s come her way on campus. Now she’s finding more abroad.

I’ve tried to make the most of my opportunities at UMass Lowell. I love this university and all these things I get to do.
Read More About Jenna Kapp 
Kelsey Gonzalez (right) poses with a doctor outdoors
Kelsey Gonzalez '21
Public Health

Kelsey Gonzalez cares for asylum seekers as program manager for Global Disaster Response and Humanitarian Action at Massachusetts General Hospital’s Center for Global Health.

Working on the border has further opened my eyes to how much advancement is needed at a global scale to improve the quality of life of vulnerable populations.
Read More About Kelsey Gonzalez 
Scott Penfield drives a retro pink convertible filled with four passengers in Cuba.
Scott Penfield '22
Mechanical Engineering

Honors mechanical engineering major Scott Penfield has traveled extensively on two continents besides North America – and hopes to add a fourth before long.

Applying to UMass Lowell was almost a no-brainer. It’s close to home, it’s good value and it has a good engineering program.
Read More About Scott Penfield 
George Dylan Bistany and friends at the Outdoor Adventure program
George Dylan Bistany '19, '20
Electrical Engineering

George Dylan Bistany completed his master’s degree abroad in fall 2019 at the Czech Technical University in Prague.

I think energy is one of the biggest issues we have to face, and I want to use my education to help make that transition to renewables.
Read More About George Dylan Bistany 
James Joutras poses with a group of students in Japan
James Wilson Joutras '19
Liberal Arts – Digital Media and Theatre Arts

James Joutras came to UMass Lowell to discover himself. His experiences instilled confidence – and took him to Japan, where he plans to work after graduation.

I discovered I was good at editing – taking a bunch of different elements that don’t necessarily make sense and putting them together in a way that creates a coherent story.
Read More About James Wilson Joutras