Instructional Workshops for the Outdoors

The Outdoor Adventure Program (OAP) offers Wilderness First Aid and Wilderness First Responder Certification as well as other Outdoor Education opportunities to help grow student leaders from participating to leading our programs and beyond! Click on the links to jump below:

Wilderness First Aid (2-day course)

Wilderness First Responder (8-day course)

WFAWilderness First Aid

The Wilderness First Aid (WFA) course presented by SOLO Wilderness Medicine is two days long (16 hours) and teaches a basic level of first aid training in the wilderness context. This course is for those who enjoy going on short wilderness trips and are seeking to gain a better understanding of how to manage and treat a variety of medical issues in the wilderness context. This course is open to the public. Minimum age for WFA certification is 14 years old. The nationally-recognized SOLO WFA certification lasts two years.

Picture of a Wilderness First Aid class emergency scenario with woman wearing gloves looking up and helping man on ground wrapped in blankets Image by SOLO Schools

The SOLO WFA course may be used as a recertification for a current, unexpired SOLO Wilderness First Responder (WFR).

This course is the entry level standard for UMass Lowell (UML) Outdoor Adventure Program Assistant Trip Leaders. UMass Lowell Outdoor Adventure Program will offer this course during fall and spring semesters each year.

Fees: Base Price $200 Public. $185 Student Price. See following bullet points for more details. When you register online, use the drop-down menu to choose the appropriate registration.

  • Optional CPR Certification: Available for an additional $50, hosted on Saturday evening, after the rest of class. (Please note: Your WFA or WFR is valid only with current CPR certification.)
  • Optional Lodging: Available for an additional $30 to those 18 years and older. On-site housing will be in the Campus Recreation Center on Friday and Saturday nights. Lodging includes showers, locker, and a kitchen (microwave, fridge, sink). Participants will use sleeping bags and sleeping pads and should be prepared to sleep 'camp' style on hard floors. (Please bring your own, or email: to request to borrow items.) Lodgers may sleep in 2-3 spread-out locations in the building. The Campus Rec. Center will be open to normal users both days from approximately 6:30 a.m. until 9 p.m.; lights will be on and people may be working out and using equipment in the building until closing time. 
  • Student Price: We are happy to offer our discounted Student Price to any active college, university or high school student, no matter what school you attend; please register using your school-issued email. UML Faculty or Staff may register using the Student Price. 

Recertifying? People with current WFR certification from SOLO may recertify using the WFA course and will need to pay an additional $15 re-certification fee directly to SOLO. Please contact SOLO Schools for details.

WFA Registration TypePrice
Public Base Price (no CPR or lodging)$200
Public + Lodging $30$230
Public + CPR $50$250
Public + CPR $50 + Lodging $30$280
Student Base Price (no CPR or lodging)
Student + Lodging $30$215
Student + CPR $50$235
Student + CPR $50 + Lodging $30$265

Food is not provided. There is a kitchenette in the facility with a refrigerator, dishes, cabinet storage, a microwave, a toaster, and an electric kettle that are accessible to participants.

Instructed by SOLO Wilderness Medicine.

Contact Kate Ford by email: or phone: 978-934-1549 with questions.

Waitlist: When the class shows as full, you may register like normal and will automatically be placed on the waitlist. There is NO financial charge to be waitlisted; the system will, however, ask for your credit card information so you can be charged if a spot comes open. You will not automatically be moved into the class if a space opens. Instead, please watch your email as you will need to accept the spot in a timely fashion.

To prepare for your course or to see our Cancellation Policy, please see our Wilderness Medicine Classes webpage.

SOLO Wilderness First Aid / WFR Recertification DatesCourse Details - LinkRegistration
November 2-3, 2024Trip Information: Wilderness Medicine Classes webpageRegister Online - Wilderness First Aid Nov. 2-3
March 29-30, 2025Trip Information: Wilderness Medicine Classes webpageRegister Online - Wilderness First Aid March 29-30

WFRWilderness First Responder (WFR)

The WFR course is 8-days long (72+ hours) is hosted by Wilderness Medical Associates International (WMA) and takes an in-depth look at responding to medical issues and emergencies in the wilderness context.

Three people roll over a victim with a splinted leg and touch their spine in a medical scenario

Instructors teach participants standards and skills in dealing with: Response and Assessment, Musculoskeletal Injuries, Environmental Emergencies and Survival Skills, Soft Tissue Injuries, and Medical Emergencies in the wilderness context. The course includes practical application scenarios. Take it to the next wilderness medical level and get certified. No prerequisites or medical experience required. This course is open to the public. Minimum age for WFR certification is 16 years old.

Fees: Base Price $805 Public. $730 Student Price. See following bullet points for more details. When you register online, use the drop-down menu to choose the appropriate registration. CPR certification is included as part of the WFR course, no additional fee required.

  • Optional Lodging: Available for an additional $105 to those 18 years and older. On-site housing will be in the Campus Recreation Center starting the night before the course for the duration of the WFR course. Lodging includes showers, locker, and a kitchen (microwave, fridge, sink). Participants will use sleeping bags and sleeping pads and should be prepared to sleep 'camp' style on hard floors. (Please bring your own, or email: to request to borrow items.) Lodgers may sleep in 2-3 spread-out locations in the building. The Campus Recreation Center (CRC) will be open to normal users most days from approximately 6:30 a.m. until 9 p.m.; lights will be on and people may be working out and using equipment in the building until closing time.
  • Student Price: We are happy to offer our discounted Student Price to any active college, university or high school student, no matter what school you attend; please register using your school-issued email. UML Faculty or Staff may register using the Student Price.
  • *Deposit Option: Payment may be made in full upon registration, or you may choose the "Deposit & Pay Later" option, in order to pay a deposit now with the remainder due approximately one month before the course start date. This is only available through December 8, 2024.

WFR Registration TypePrice
Public Base Price (no lodging)$805
Public Base Price (no lodging) Deposit Option*$405, with remaining $400 due Dec. 9
Public + Lodging$910
Public + Lodging Deposit Option*$460, with remaining $450 due Dec. 9
Student Base Price (no lodging)$730
Student Base Price (no lodging) Deposit Option*$370, with remaining $360 due Dec. 9
Student + Lodging$835
Student + Lodging Deposit Option*$420, with remaining $415 due Dec. 9

Food is not provided. There is a kitchenette in the facility with a refrigerator, dishes, cabinet storage, a microwave, and toaster that will be accessible to participants. An electric water kettle is also available. A visit to a local grocery store can be arranged for those staying overnight.

This course goes all eight days, including Saturday and Sunday.

Instructed by Bill Frederick, Wilderness Medical Associates International (WMA).

Contact Kate Ford by email: or phone: 978-934-1549 with questions.

Waitlist: When the class shows as full, you may register like normal and will automatically be placed on the waitlist. There is NO financial charge to be waitlisted; the system will, however, ask for your credit card information so you can be charged if a spot comes open. You will not automatically be moved into the class if a space opens. Instead, please watch your email as you will need to accept the spot in a timely fashion.

To prepare for your course or to see our Cancellation Policy, please see our Wilderness Medicine Classes webpage.

WMA Wilderness First Responder DatesCourse Details - LinkRegistration
January 8-15, 2025Trip Information: Wilderness Medicine Classes webpageWilderness First Responder Registration

Visit our Trips and Events Calendar webpage for events!