Every day events around the globe and in our local communities bring new, interesting and unexpected topics to the forefront. And each day news reporters are looking for experts to explain to viewers what’s happening and what the impact might be on their lives. 
There’s no more concentrated source of authoritative experts than at a university.

Why Work With the Media?

Not only do interactions with the news media help inform the general public, but they help elevate you, your research and UMass Lowell. Here are just a couple of ways:
  • Media interviews help raise the university’s profile as we recruit prospective students, faculty and researchers to campus;
  • Media interviews help demonstrate to taxpayers and elected officials the value public universities make to communities through education, research, community engagement and economic development; and
  • Media interviews help raise your profile and give you a platform to discuss important aspects of your research and scholarship that you believe should be part of the national conversation.

Available Media Training Options

Like any skill, the more frequently you practice, the more adept you become. Media Relations offers two media training courses and individualized training sessions to help you become comfortable working with the media, increase the changes that your intended messages are clearly conveyed, and minimize your time commitment.
For more information about media training, contact Jon Strunk, executive director of communications at Jonathan_Strunk@uml.edu or 978-934-3332.