Eligibility Requirements Eligibility-Requirements

To qualify for the General Military Course, you must:

  • Be a full-time student at a school offering Air Force ROTC
  • Be a United States citizen (to receive a scholarship)
  • Be in good physical condition
  • Have good moral character
  • Be at least 14 years old (17 to receive a scholarship appointment)

To qualify for the Professional Officer Course, you must:

  • Meet all the qualifications for the General Military Course and successfully compete for an enrollment allocation as an officer candidate.
  • Have two academic years remaining (undergraduate, graduate, or a combination of both) after completing the Air Force ROTC field-training encampment
  • Be a United States citizen
  • Be 18 years old or 17 years old with consent from a parent or legal guardian
  • Be physically and medically qualified
  • Pass the Air Force Officer Qualifying Test
  • Be interviewed and selected by a board of Air Force officers
  • Be selected and successfully complete Field Training
  • Pass the Physical Fitness Assessment

How To Apply howtoapply

  1. Step 1: Ensure you meet the above eligibility requirements.
  2. Step 2: Gather the following documents:
    • Social Security Card (original)
    • Birth Certificate (original) and/or Naturalization Documents
    • Copy of your SAT/ACT scores (High School Students Only Applying for 4-yr Scholarship)
    • Official Transcripts (High School and College)
    • Selective Service Card (males only, use the Selective Service website for printout)
    • Prior Service military: (DD Form 214 and Performance Reports)
  3. Step 3: Go to: WINGS and create an account
    • Select: "ROTC Applicant (Prospect)" and complete each section of "My To-Do List.”
  4. Step 4: Notify us via the Contact page and in the Question/Comment block put the following:
    • I want to enroll in the AFROTC program at UMass Lowell. I meet the eligibility requirements, have created a WINGS account, and have collected the required documents.

Enrollment in the AFROTC Program & Crosstown SchoolsEnrollment

Although enrolling for UMass Lowell students is as simple as signing up for Aerospace Studies class through normal registration, we recommend contacting the detachment office for specific guidance on which courses you should take. We can answer your questions and get you pointed in the right direction.

Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and Rivier University students will need to enroll through their respective registrar offices. We recommend contacting the detachment office for specific guidance on which courses you should take. However, once SNHU or Rivier University students register for AFROTC courses they will need to contact the detachment office to inform the staff of their enrollment.

All other crosstown students will need to contact the detachment to obtain a Northeast Consortium of Colleges and Universities in Massachusetts (NECCUM) cross-registration form in order to enroll in AFROTC courses. We recommend discussing with detachment cadre specific guidance on which courses you should take.

Crosstown Colleges


To learn more about available scholarships please visit the AFROTC Scholarships website.

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