Apply for Designated/Preferred Parking

Designated and Preferred parking spaces are non-transferable even in your absence from the University. They are solely for your usage and cannot be "loaned."

Please note that all if the number of requests exceed capacity, applicants may be placed on a waitlist. Do not order a preferred decal on the MyParking portal until approved by UCAPS.

Cabinet Members

There is a limited number of reserved and numbered spaces available for Cabinet Members (as identified by Campus Leadership) across campus. These Cabinet Members will have an option to choose a reserved and numbered parking space in the lot of their choice (excluding residential lots).

Each year, Cabinet Members will be contacted regarding their desire to purchase a reserved Cabinet Member space. Once you have been confirmed, you may order your decal online.

Wannalancit Preferred Wannalancit-Preferred

Wannalancit Preferred includes the Tremont Lot off of Suffolk Street and the East Courtyard adjacent to Wannalancit.  The East Courtyard is generally reserved for cabinet members and department heads due to limited capacity.

Additionally, all parking lots available to faculty/staff members will also be available to Wannalancit Preferred decal holders.

If approved, you will be notified by the UCAPS office and you may order your decal online.

University Crossing Preferred University-Crossing-Preferred

University Crossing Preferred includes spaces in the Salem Street Lot next to the University Crossing. Spaces in this preferred lot have dedicated, non-numbered spaces that are issued on through an University Crossing Preferred application process.

Additionally, all parking lots available to faculty/staff members will also be available to University Crossing preferred decal holders.

If approved, you will be notified by the UCAPS office and you may order your decal online.

GPS Center Preferred gps-preferred

GPS Preferred includes spaces in the Merrimack Lot next to the Graduate and Professional Studies Center. Spaces in this preferred lot have dedicated, non-numbered spaces that are issued on through an application process.

Additionally, all parking lots available to faculty/staff members will also be available to GPS preferred decal holders.

If approved, you will be notified by the UCAPS office and you may order your decal online.

Ordering and Pricing

In order to be considered for designated or preferred parking, you must first submit a request to the UCAPS Office by navigating to our Online Parking Requests webpage. Cabinet Members will be contacted directly and should not submit this online request.

If you have been approved for a Cabinet Member or Designated Parking decal, navigate to our MyParking self-service website to order your decal. On the decal selection screen, simply choose the appropriate decal type you were approved for.

Benefited employees are required to enroll in a pre-taxed payroll deduction, and non-benefited employees are required to pay by credit card online, or with cash or check in our office.

A full table of decal types can be found on our Decal Options and Costs webpage.