Research Personnel

  • Partha Chowdhury, Professor and Chair, Department of Physics and Applied Physics; Director, Radiation Laboratory
  • Andrew Rogers, Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Applied Physics; Associate Director, Radiation Laboratory (Accelerator)
  • Peter Bender, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Applied Physics
  • Christopher (Kim) Lister, Professor Emeritus, Department of Physics and Applied Physics
  • Marian Jandel, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics and Applied Physics
  • Gregg Parker, Accelerator Supervisor, Department of Physics and Applied Physics, Radiation Lab
  • Gholam Wahid Shaikh, Post-doctoral Research Associate
  • Sanjanee Waniganeththi, graduate student
  • Kartikeya Sharma, graduate student
  • Yiyi Zhu, graduate student
  • Christian Burns, graduate student
  • Sean Byrne, graduate student
  • Margaret Tseng, undergraduate student
  • Brandon Polley, undergraduate student