The International Biomanufacturing Network (IBioNe) is a National Science Foundation (NSF)-sponsored AccelNet network of networks. Its mission is to link international networks including NSF-funded centers, Advanced Mammalian Biomanufacturing Innovation Center and Membrane Science Engineering & Technology Center, and partner organizations in North America, South America, Europe, Asia, Australia, and Africa. The central focus is to add to the collective knowledge base and educating the next generation of biomanufacturing experts by creating a central collection of biomanufacturing training and workforce development opportunities for both those still in school and those already in industry. IBioNe bridges gaps in biomanufacturing training by bringing together researchers across the ecosystem to improve biologic drugs manufacturing capabilities through courses, trainings, and events. 

IBioNe will serve as a catalyst for technology innovation in biomanufacturing with increased biomanufacturing training and workforce development opportunities globally, accelerating discoveries and developments of lifesaving drugs and vaccines.

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