PROPEL Careers Program aims to develop the next generation of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) learners through paid research experiences, mentorship and professional development activities.

Student in lab coat and gloves working in lab
The Professional Research Opportunities to Prepare for Engineering and Life Sciences (PROPEL) Careers Program is designed to expose a new generation of students to professional laboratory and scientific environments. Through the program, high-school students will be mentored by UML faculty and students on a cutting-edge research project in engineering and life sciences. This opportunity offers high-school students the ability to develop hand-on research skills, apply lessons learned to solve real world problems, and build professional networks for a future career in STEM.
This program is a summer-long program that provides participants with a full-time, paid internship. Participants also participate in a wide range of professional development activities, including workshops on resume/cover letter writing, sessions on presentation and technical writing skills, and field trips to local industry partners. Students have the opportunity to showcase and celebrate their work in a public, end-of-program poster session in August. 
 2023 Funding and Support provided by the Massachusetts Life Sciences Center, Project LEARN, MassHire, and the UML Francis College of Engineering