What courses will you take?

UMass Lowell students and Model U.N. members Alejandro Lopez and Ryan Dekeon, pictured in suits sitting in the Pulichino Tong Building in orange chairs looking at the camera

Our students follow a well-rounded curriculum that begins with introductory courses on the principles of economics. In upper division courses, you will apply those principles to decision-making problems faced by families, firms, and government agencies in a global market-based economy.

Students in the UMass Lowell economics major develop a comprehensive understanding of the conceptual and analytical tools needed to make sense of real-world events, as well as the technical abilities needed to be successful in a wide range of career paths and graduate studies.

Visit the Academic Catalog for a complete course listing.

Why study economics at UMass Lowell?

Students work at computers in an economics classroom at UMass Lowell.

Expert Faculty

Our economics faculty are actively involved in research and scholarship, value highly their role as instructors and bring real-world experience into the classroom from such prior roles as investment bankers, program directors at research institutions and advisors at the Federal Reserve Board.

Economics students from UMass Lowell stand in a group with one student holding a framed certificate

Extracurricular Activities

Put your learning into practice. Check out some of the fun ways UML students come together.

Group of UMass Lowell students holding a "Barracuda Bowl" M2D2 poster.

Experiential Learning

Build career-ready skills through experiences outside the classroom, including:

  • Research in a faculty laboratory 
  • Co-ops and internships 
  • Paid work on campus 
  • Service learning 
  • Study abroad
Student sitting in an economics classroom at UMass Lowell

Bachelor’s-to-Master's Program

Get on the fast track to an advanced degree with our combined Bachelor's-to-Master's program.

  • Available to juniors and seniors with a grade point average of 3.000 or better
  • Offers a continuous, coordinated sequence of courses
  • Reduced credit-hour requirements can save you time and money

What can you do with a degree in economics?

Graduates from UMass Lowell's economics program are prepared to enter many fields in both public and private sectors, including consulting, finance, government, not-for-profits, law, medicine, academia and research institutions.

Person working on computer while looking at data charts.

Alumni of our program have worked at:

  • Bureau of Labor Statistics
  • Brown University
  • Fidelity Investments
  • International Monetary Fund
  • Massachusetts Department of Revenue
  • National Grid
  • Putnam Investments
  • Sun Life Financial
  • Tufts Health Plan
  • University of Rhode Island

Meet Our Students and Alumni

UMass Lowell student Wonder Ahiatsi poses with economics Professor Tommaso Tempesti.
Wonder Ahiatsi '23
Quantitative Economics

Wonder Ahiatsi chose UMass Lowell for its B.S. in quantitative economics.

Issues of economic policy affect the well-being of countries.
Read More About Wonder Ahiatsi 
Biology and economics major Caroline DeSouza diving off the coast of the Colombian island of San Andrés.
Caroline DeSouza '24
Biological Sciences, Economics

A research opportunity helped Caroline DeSouza see that marine biology was an attainable career.

It’s great to have a mentor who understands what it’s like to be a woman in biology.
Read More About Caroline DeSouza 
Gerrit Boldt sits at a round table with UMass Lowell students
Gerrit Boldt '17
History & Economics

Honors history and economics major Gerrit Boldt landed an internship at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, working with cities to improve conditions for low-income residents. Now he’s back on campus as an AmeriCorps volunteer, helping first-generation college students succeed.

There are few teaching assistants, so the professors do most of the teaching, and they’re excited to engage with students and share their knowledge. It’s a hallmark of the university.
Read More About Gerrit Boldt 
UMass Lowell students and Model U.N. members Alejandro Lopez and Ryan Dekeon, pictured in suits sitting in the Pulichino Tong Building in orange chairs looking at the camera
Alejandro Lopez '18

The Model U.N. program and a semester interning and learning in Washington, D.C., helped Alejandro Lopez put economic and political theory into practice - and paved the way for a successful career.

The chance to travel and experience a new country each year with the Model U.N. team has given me a college experience I never could have imagined.
Read More About Alejandro Lopez 
Akbar Abduljalil speaks with two other students
Akbar Abduljalil '20

Motivated by the loss of a lake he had enjoyed as a child in his native Uzbekistan, economics major Akbar Abduljalil has taken on the role of president of the Student Society for Sustainability.

Until I came to UMass Lowell, I didn’t understand what I could do about the environment and what I was capable of.
Read More About Akbar Abduljalil 
Honors math student Anthony Gaeta studying in the library
Anthony Gaeta '18
Mathematics & Economics

Anthony Gaeta says his six-month co-op at John Hancock Financial gave him real-world experience in his dream job as an actuary.

Honestly, if I could, I’d go back and shake myself and say, ‘Don’t sleep on UMass Lowell. Just accept!’ You get so much more for your dollar here.
Read More About Anthony Gaeta 
Daniel Barros (right) who helped start a unified basketball league with John Luk (left), coordinator of intramural sports and youth programs at the Campus Recreation Center
Daniel Barros '19

Daniel Barros thought the law might be a good way to help people. His classes in legal studies confirmed it.

UMass Lowell was where I knew I’d be growing the most as a person.
Read More About Daniel Barros 
Emily Sayler headshot
Emily Sayler '22

Emily Sayler made the most of her two years at UMass Lowell.

I was able to find a home, find friends and get leadership experience.
Read More About Emily Sayler 
Douglas Correa Ospina headshot
Douglas Correa Ospina '23
Economics and Psychology

Douglas Correa Ospina plans to combine his studies in psychology and economics to help immigrants and others from marginalized groups become more financially secure.

I would not be who I am today if we hadn’t come to Lowell.
Read More About Douglas Correa Ospina 
Rachel Jordan and friend pose with classic car in Cuba
Rachel Jordan '21

Rachel Jordan says that discovering the chair of the Economics Department was a woman helped convince her to come to UMass Lowell.

The professors here have been absolutely amazing. I’ve only had good experiences.
Read More About Rachel Jordan 
Anthony Amatucci sits at a table with an open laptop and gavel during a UMass Lowell Model United Nations meeting.
Anthony Amatucci '25
Economics and Political Science

Honors College student Anthony Amatucci leads the UML Marching Band and the Model U.N. team – and still finds time for a double major, a minor and research.

I always try to find fun in every aspect of what I do.
Read More About Anthony Amatucci 
 Pratibha Gautam with a group of people holding a "Barracuda Bowl" M2D2 poster.
Pratibha Gautam '20

Pratibha Gautam’s job at a medical device incubator inspired her to pursue a career in health economics.

I came to understand that by studying economics, I could ... address equity issues.
Read More About Pratibha Gautam 
Marvens Francois playing rugby
Marvens Francois '21

Marvens Francois says switching his major to economics was one of the best decisions of his life.

I’ve always had this love for economic theory and the stock market and things like that, so I said, ‘I’ll give it a try’ – and I’ve never looked back.
Read More About Marvens Francois 
Giulia Rabbito and opponent on soccer field
Giulia Rabbito '21

Giulia Rabbito came to UMass Lowell for soccer and a business education – and then fell in love with economics.

Economics is a huge part of business, so if you get a degree in economics, you can actually go anyplace.
Read More About Giulia Rabbito