The study of economics stems from the scarcity of resources and the limitless nature of our demands for products and services. Societies must therefore choose the goods and services that will be produced from among the larger range of production possibilities. Economics develops the principles and concepts that follow from this fact of scarcity and applies them to the analysis of various aspects of human activity.

  • The B.A. in Economics program provides rigorous training in economic theories and their applications. Students trained in this program are expected to use economic tools from a wide range of fields to evaluate, understand, and address economic and societal problems.
  • The B.S. in Quantitative Economics program is a STEM program that focuses on a systematic study of mathematical and statistical tools in economics. Students trained in this program are expected to master economic modeling and data analyses and conduct independent investigations.
  • Minor in Economics: Eighteen credit hours are needed for a minor in Economics: 6 required credits and 12 elective credits.

For specific information about the differences between these programs, please contact our administrative assistant, Tenesha Day, by email: