Combine training in theatre within a well-rounded liberal arts education to prepare for graduate study and careers in professional theatre, entertainment, and other fields.

Theatre Arts Concentrations and Minor

At UMass Lowell, you can concentrate in Theatre Arts as part of the English or Bachelor of Liberal Arts majors, or choose the Theatre Arts minor.

In the English: Theatre Arts Concentration, you'll take courses in the history and literature of theatre as well as theatrical practice—acting, design, directing, stage management, production, and dramaturgy. You can concentrate your upper-level coursework within a particular area of interest—for example, performance, dramaturgy, or design/tech.

In the Bachelor of Liberal Arts: Theatre Arts Concentration, you will design a personalized program of study in two disciplines—Theatre Arts and another of your choosing from over 25 concentrations. By taking at least six courses in each concentration area, you will build a solid foundation in the dramatic arts within a broad-based liberal arts degree.

Enhance any major with the Theatre Arts minor. You'll take courses in three categories:

  • Production Experience 
  • Theatre Workshops
  • Dramatic Text / Theatre History

Learn more about the Theater Arts Minor.

Why study theatre arts at UMass Lowell?

A male student holding an umbrella on stage next a female student with an window behind them in the dark during a UMass Lowell Theatre Arts production.


Apply for one of several full-year, paid Production Internships on campus as part of the Theatre Arts Program's annual Production Team. 

Students performing on stage during a UMass Lowell Theatre Arts production.

Campus Productions

The Theatre Arts Program stages two full-scale productions each year, along with dramatic readings and other performances in the Comley-Lane Theatre on South Campus. Audition for a part or join the production crews.

Student Profile

Oprah Winfrey with student scholarship winners
Nicholas Abourizk '20
Theatre Arts

Nick Abourizk started college with plans to pursue a biology degree – but he couldn’t deny his passion for acting. An Oprah Winfrey Scholarship affirmed his decision to switch his major to Theatre Arts.

To get a scholarship while pursuing a degree in the arts is really validating.
Read More About Nicholas Abourizk 

Career Options

Training in theatre produces well-rounded students with strong analytical and communication skills who work well as a team and under pressure — abilities that many employers in business and industry value. 

Students performing on stage for the Theatre Arts production of "Rent."

UMass Lowell theatre students are prepared for graduate study as well as for careers including:

  • Acting
  • Advertising
  • Film work
  • Playwriting
  • Theatre education 
  • Theatrical design
  • Theatrical production on Broadway and for television

To plan your course of study, contact:

Shelley Barish
Associate Professor