Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair (MSEF)
The Massachusetts Science & Engineering Fair enables thousands of students each year to experience first hand the professional practices of working scientists and engineers through the development of independent research projects, guided by teachers or mentors. MSEF supports schools to start/expand science fairs with mini-grants & consultants. MSEF empowers teachers to use inquiry and project-based approaches to STEM learning so that their students can better understand their world, think independently and critically, and help to solve everyday as well as global challenges. MSEF showcases and celebrates students’ research work through annual Science Fair events.

IDEA Camp is a hands-on STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math) summer workshop. During week-long workshops, 5th-8th grade students can select from a variety of fun, interactive workshops that teach skills in crime science, robotics, architecture, computer coding, 3D design, gardening & food science, and more. Students benefit from the opportunity to work on applying new skills and learn from certified science and math teachers and UMass Lowell student assistant teachers.

Scouts of America - Math Science Technology Expo
In 2007 it was noted that a wide variety of math, science and technology merit badges had extremely low numbers of scouts participating in them. Nationally and locally, many badges were either close to or at zero participation. Recognizing that the math, science and technology aspect of the Boy Scout merit badge program was under-resourced, due in equal parts to the lack of available counselor and the lack of promotion of these important components of our economy, the Math Science Technology Expo was born in 2007. Altering the environmental conditions to provoke change has been the mission of the Math Science Technology Expo ever since.

Explore & Engage in Engineering (E3)
Explore & Engage in Engineering (E3) is intended to create a continuous opportunity for high school students to become more knowledgeable about what engineers do, learn about the different engineering majors at UMass Lowell, and to increase enrollment of females and underrepresented ethnicities into Engineering programs at UMass Lowell. The program provides research and project driven opportunities that high school students can participate in so they can visualize their career in engineering and answer the question “Why should I be an Engineer?”