Civil engineers design, construct, operate and maintain facilities and systems that serve the basic needs of society.
Environmental engineers design solutions to protect the environment and create a more sustainable world.

UMass Lowell Advantages

  • Specialty areas. Focus your studies in Environmental Engineering, Geotechnical Engineering, Geoenvironmental Engineering, Structural Engineering or Transportation Engineering.
  • Career flexibility. Gain technical training and problem-solving skills for an engineering career in local industry, consulting firms and state/federal agencies. Our graduates have also built careers in law, financial analysis, software development and business.
  • Dedicated faculty. Our CEE classes are taught by full-time faculty and class sizes are small. 
  • ABET-accredited. Our undergraduate degree program in Civil Engineering is accredited by the Engineering Accreditation Commission (EAC) of ABET.

Meet Our Students & Alumni

Sofia Savoca with her mom outside O'Leary Library on South Campus
Sofia Savoca
Civil Engineering

Sofia Savoca chose UMass Lowell for the opportunity to be in the Honors College and to study civil engineering. She’s found a dozen new opportunities since arriving on campus.

Read More About Sofia Savoca 
UMass Lowell Image
Chris & Paula White

The founders of what has become a multimillion dollar premium, all-natural cookie dough and ice cream sandwich company hold degrees in engineering.

Read More About Chris & Paula White 
Tiana Robinson works with another student to conduct ultrasonic testing of sidewalk concrete slabs to check their thickness and condition
Tiana Robinson
Civil Engineering

Tiana Robinson is working on a research collaboration with the city of Lowell to help inspect and monitor the city’s aging infrastructure.

Read More About Tiana Robinson 
Maureen Kelly
Maureen Kelly
Civil & Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering

A service-learning capstone in Lowell and Haiti transformed Maureen Kelly’s civil engineering education — and her life. She now works for a firm that supports her ongoing volunteer work in Haiti and her mentoring of current students.

Read More About Maureen Kelly