Hood Color

The Academic Cap

Students and faculty alike will be happy to learn that the tassel may be worn on either the left or right side and that no significance is officially given to how the tassel is worn.

The Academic Hood

All hood linings for the University of Massachusetts Lowell have a field of royal blue, which is divided by a red chevron.

The colors utilized by UMass Lowell for hood bands are:

CollegeDegreeHood Color
College of Fine Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences (FAHSS)Bachelor of ArtsWhite
Bachelor of Arts (School of Education)Light Blue
Bachelor of Fine ArtsDark Brown
Bachelor of Liberal ArtsWhite
Bachelor of MusicPink
Bachelor of ScienceYellow
Master of ArtsWhite
Master of EducationLight Blue
Master of MusicPink
Master of Public AdministrationPeacock Blue
Master of ScienceYellow
Education SpecialistLight Blue
Doctor of EducationLight Blue
Doctor of PhilosophyDark Blue
Francis College of Engineering (FCE)Associate of Science in Engineering TechnologyOrange
Bachelor of Science in EngineeringOrange
Bachelor of Science in Engineering TechnologyOrange
Master of ScienceYellow
Master of Science in EngineeringOrange
Doctor of PhilosophyDark Blue
Intercampus (IC)Master of ScienceYellow
Doctor of PhilosophyDark Blue
Kennedy College of Sciences (KCS)Associate of ScienceYellow
Bachelor of ArtsWhite
Bachelor of ScienceYellow
Master of ScienceYellow
Doctor of PhilosophyDark Blue
Manning School of Business (MSB)Associate of ScienceDrab Brown
Bachelor of ScienceDrab Brown
Bachelor of Science in Business AdministrationDrab Brown
Master of Business AdministrationDrab Brown
Master of ScienceDrab Brown
Doctor of PhilosophyDark Blue
Zuckerberg College of Health Sciences (ZCHS)Bachelor of ScienceYellow
Master of Public HealthSalmon Pink
Master of ScienceYellow
Doctor of PhilosophyDark Blue
Doctor of Physical TherapyTeal
Doctor of ScienceYellow
Doctor of Nursing PracticeApricot

Latin Honor Cords

Undergraduate students with Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.250 or higher may be eligible for Latin honor cords that can be picked up:

To be eligible, an undergraduate student must achieve a minimum grade point average of 3.250 for all courses completed at the university and must have earned a minimum of 60 credits from the University of Massachusetts Lowell.

Students who transfer into the university will be also be eligible for University Honors if they earned a minimum of 3.000 at their previous institutions, earned a minimum of grade point average of 3.250 for all courses completed at UMass Lowell and satisfied the University Residency Requirement.

Requirements are:

  • Cum laude: GPA of 3.250 or higher (1 cord)
  • Magna cum laude: GPA of 3.500 or higher (2 cords 
  • Summa cum laude: GPA of 3.850 or higher (3 cords)

Note:Cumulative GPA, and not term GPA. Once final grades are posted and your GPA changes, please stop by at the Registrar's tent at the Tsongas Center on your graduation day to swap your cords (when eligible).

Stoles, Tassels and Cords

Military Honors

All graduates who have served or are currently serving in the U.S. Armed Forces (Active Duty, Reservists, National Guard and student veterans) will wear a white aiguillette at the Commencement Ceremony in recognition of their service to our country (Active Duty and student veteran graduates, including Reservists and National Guard). These aiguillettes will be distributed directly before graduation ceremonies at the Tsongas. If you have any additional questions, please contact the Office of Military and Veterans Services at 978-934-2491 or email veterans@uml.edu.


Student-athletes will receive a white stole at the Senior Toast event. If you are unable to attend the Senior Toast or have questions, please contact the Athletic Department at 978-934-5715 or email Alison_QuandtWestgate@uml.edu.

White Tassels

Graduating students who make a donation to the Senior Class Gift of $5 or more, will receive a special tassel to wear at graduation. White tassels will be available for pick up on your Commencement Day at the Tsongas Center before you head in. If you have any questions, please email Lindsey_Andella@uml.edu for more information.

Commonwealth Honors College

Honors graduates will receive a blue stole at the Commonwealth Honors brunch on the Wednesday before Commencement. Students that have earned the Honors College Distinction will receive a cord at the RHED/Honors Distinction reception at the Allen House. Stoles will also be available for pickup at Commencement. If you have any questions, please email honors@uml.edu or call 978-934-2798.

River Hawk Experience Distinction 

River Hawk Experience Distinction (RHED) graduates will be awarded a red braided cord to wear at Commencement in recognition of their achievement. Students will receive their cord at the awards ceremony on May 8. If you are unable to attend the award ceremony, you may pick up your cord at the Career & Co-op office in UCC 450 on May 9 and 10 during our normal business hours. Contact RHED@uml.edu with any questions.

River Hawk Scholars Academy

Students who are graduating and are members in good standing of River Hawk Scholars Academy (RHSA) will receive a form to order their RHSA stole. These graduation stoles will be provided as our gift to you in celebration of your completion of your degree. You will only receive a stole if you complete this form. Stoles will be made available before graduation in the RHSA offices in O’Leary Library and will also be available on Commencement Day outside the Tsongas Center. Any questions can be sent to RHSA@uml.edu.