Dimensions of Wellness
Identifying, expressing and managing your entire range of emotions, experiences and vulnerabilities.
Getting enough sleep, diet, and exercise, and staying safe and healthy. Pursuing regular movement, a nutritious diet, adequate sleep and practicing consistent preventative behaviors.
Managing finances to achieve your goals. Developing a relationship with money and skills for managing resources.
Finding purpose and fulfillment in your work. Engaging in work that is meaningful, enjoyable and aligns with personal values.
Valuing lifelong learning and seeking to learn for the sake of learning. Seeking to expand knowledge, skills and creative abilities for the sake of learning.
Respecting the environment and understanding the human connection to nature. Living in and contributing to a safe, healthy and sustainable environment.
Seeking harmony and balance by exploring meaning and connection. Understanding your core values, how you make meaning of what happens to you and what provides you with comfort and relief.
Building and maintaining strong relationships and being aware of other people’s feelings. Establishing a sense of connection and belonging to others and your community through positive interpersonal interactions.
Check out our Well-being Blog
The Student Life and Well-being blog shows how students are incorporating the eight dimensions of wellness into their daily life on campus.