This is a corporation boardinghouse, where mill workers, mostly young women aged 15 to 35, lived during the early decades of Lowell's textile mills (mid-1800s). To learn about what is pictured here, scroll over the picture and find 2 hidden items. 

  • boardinghouse picture
  • UMass Lowell Image
    The boardinghouse keeper not only cooked and cleaned but also monitored the activities of the workers who lived in her boardinghouse unit.
  • UMass Lowell Image
    An average of 35 “mill girls” lived in a typical boardinghouse unit of three stories. Men lived in separate boardinghouse units.


The Tsongas Industrial History Center is an education partnership between the University of Massachusetts Lowell School of Education and the National Park Service at Lowell National Historical Park.

  • UMass Lowell
  • National Park Service