We provide exam proctoring services to ensure that students receive the testing accommodations they are entitled to, in an organized and as stress-free a fashion as possible.

Test proctoring is only available to UMass Lowell students.

Fall Testing Hours

North Campus, Cumnock Hall, room C7

  • Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 

South Campus, O'Leary Library, room 220

  • Monday through Friday: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. 
  1. In order to make a Testing Center reservation, you must fill out the public accommodation request form. You then await a confirmation email that says you have access to book testing center appointments. NOTE: You must fill out the form each semester that you would like to schedule an exam.
  2. After receiving the confirmation email, submit an online Testing Center Request Form to their professorone week prior to test date in order to take the exam in the Testing Center.
    • Note: you do not have a guaranteed spot until you receive a reservation email from the Testing Center.
  3. Faculty are required to return the form and exam to the appropriate Testing Center two business days before the scheduled exam. Earlier submission is preferred.

Please note:

  • For accommodated exams: students are expected to take exams on the same campus and at the same time as the rest of the class unless there is a reasonable conflict.
  • For makeup exams: students are expected to take exams on the campus and at a time arranged with a faculty member and the Testing Center.

Submit A Testing Center Request To Your Professor

On The Day of The Exam

  • On the day and time of your exam, check in at the appropriate Testing Center. The Testing Center on North is at Cumnock Hall, Room 7C and the Testing Center on South is in O'Leary Library 220.
  • You are responsible for arriving at the time scheduled. You will have only the scheduled time for your exam. If you arrive late, your time will not be extended.
    • For example: your exam is scheduled for 10 a.m. to noon. You arrive at 10:30 a.m. You will only have until noon to complete the exam.
  • If you do not show up at the time scheduled, your test will be returned to your instructor.

Testing Center Rules

  • A Photo ID (UMass Lowell or driver's license) must be presented to Testing Center staff when checking in for your exam.
  • Leave your jacket and bags in the office. They cannot be taken into the testing areas.
  • No food or drink allowed in the testing areas unless for accommodation.
  • No extra items are allowed in the testing areas. This includes, but is not limited to:
    • cell phones
    • smart watches
    • eye glass cases
    • pencil boxes, etc.
  • Only the materials authorized by your instructor and listed on the front of this form will be permitted during the test.
  • We do ask faculty on the reservation form if the student is allowed bathroom breaks.
  • There will be a proctor in the testing areas to monitor exams.
  • At the completion of the exam, all testing items will be collected and returned to the instructor.
  • Computer use is limited to accessing the exam and your accommodations. Any other use of the computer is strictly prohibited and may be considered as academic dishonesty.

Read the UMass Lowell Undergraduate Policy on Academic Integrity

Read the UMass Lowell Graduate Policy on Academic Integrity