SWIMMER is a National Science Foundation Research Traineeship (NRT) program at UMass Lowell that aims to train talented graduate students from multiple disciplines to transform the lifecycle of materials and their interaction with water ecosystems. Water resources are in a state of crisis both in the U.S. and globally, requiring multi-faceted solutions. Trainees will engage in technical and professional development to become skilled to address material and water challenges requiring technological innovation, understanding of socio-economic and political implications, and responsiveness to societal needs for environmental justice and inclusive decision-making. The program features bias and inclusion training, communication skills training, immersion in industrial history, a two-semester interdisciplinary core course, and team capstone projects linked to academic research and needs of industry and society. Graduates from the program will prepare graduate students seeking industry positions upon graduation as well as the next generation of faculty.

The SWIMMER NRT will spearhead careers that research, innovate, manufacture, and manage sustainable materials and chemicals aimed to protect water resources over their entire life cycle. SWIMMER scholars will conduct convergent research across three transformative themes: Watersheds as Living Labs, Circular Materials Design for Pollution Prevention and Remediation, and Sustainable Product Design and Toxics Use Reduction.

SWIMMER is open to both Master's and Doctoral students entering into the following programs:

SWIMMER Application Form

Thank you for your interest in the SWIMMER program. Please email: swimmer@uml.edu with any questions you may have.