UMass Lowell's series of popular summer camps offers a wide variety of camps, sure to satisfy even the pickiest camper.

  • Sports Camps: Whether it be on the diamond, court or field we have all your bases covered! UMass Lowell offers camps for: baseball, softball, boy's basketball, girl's basketball, ice hockey, field hockey, rowing, girl's and boy's soccer, track and field, and volleyball. Ages vary by sport, please check the GoRiverhawks website.

  • Symphonic Band Camp: If band camp is music to your ears, we offer a week-long intensive program aimed at improving the individual skills and broadening the experiences of musically talented students. Ages: junior high and high school students.

  • The Tsongas Industrial History Center’s Summer Camps are your answer to summer fun. Dreamers, doers, movers and makers – come “mill around” with us as you explore history, science and nature. Ages: elementary and middle school aged children.

  • Future Engineers Camp is not being offered this year.

  • RecKids Summer Camp is no longer offered.