Research Interests
THz Quantum Cascade Laser (QCL) Source Receiver Technologies
- Ph D: Physics, (2010), University of Massachusetts Lowell - Lowell, MA
Dissertation/Thesis Title: Frequency stabilization, tuning, and spatial mode control of terahertz quantum cascade lasers for coherent transceiver applications. - MS: Physics, (2009), University of Massachusetts Lowell - Lowell, MA
- MS: Physics with honors, (1996), Kharkov State University - Kharkov, Ukraine
Dissertation/Thesis Title: Research of Optical and Laser Properties of Ticor (Al2O3:Ti) Single Crystals Grown in Carbonic Medium.
Selected Awards and Honors
- 2014 Faculty Award for Teaching Excellence (2014), Teaching - University of Massachusetts Lowell
- Outstanding Graduate Student (2008), Scholarship/Research - UMass, Lowell
- Outstanding First-Year Graduate Student (2005), Scholarship/Research - UMass, Lowell
Selected Publications
- Danylov, A. (2015). Phase locking of 2.324 and 2.959 THz quantum cascade lasers using a Schottky diode harmonic mixer. Optics Letters, 40(21).
- Danylov, A.A., Waldman, J., Light, A.R., Goyette, T.M., Giles, R.H., Qian, X., Chandrayan, N., Goodhue, W.D., Nixon, W.E. (2012). Long-term frequency and amplitude stability of a solid-nitrogen-cooled, continuous wave THz quantum cascade laser (pp. 82610D–82610D).
- Qian, X., Chandrayan, N., Vangala, S., Goodhue, W.D., Danylov, A.A., Waldman, J., Baird, C., Giles, R.H., Nixon, W.E. (2012). One-half milliwatt 2.31 THz continuous-wave QCL operating at 77K (pp. 82610K–82610K).
- Danylov, A.A., Goyette, T.M., Waldman, J., Coulombe, M.J., Gatesman, A.J., Giles, R.H., Qian, X., Chandrayan, N., Vangala, S., Termkoa, K., others, . (2010). Coherent imaging at 2.4 THz with a CW quantum cascade laser transmitter (pp. 760105–760105).
- Danylov, A.A., Waldman, J. (2010). Frequency stabilization, tuning, and spatial mode control of terahertz quantum cascade lasers for coherent transceiver applications by Andriy Danylov.
- Waldman, J., Danylov, A.A., Goyette, T.M., Coulombe, M.J., Giles, R.H., Gatesman, A.J., Goodhue, W.D., Li, J., Linden, K.J., Nixon, W.E. (2009). Prospects for quantum cascade lasers as transmitters and local oscillators in coherent terahertz transmitter/receiver systems. Proceedings of SPIE, (1) 72150.
- Danylov, A.A., Waldman, J., Goyette, T.M., Gatesman, A.J., Giles, R.H., Linden, K.J., Neal, W.R., Nixon, W.E., Wanke, M.C., Reno, J.L. (2007). Transformation of the multimode terahertz quantum cascade laser beam into a Gaussian, using a hollow dielectric waveguide. Applied Optics, 46(22) 5051.
- Gatesman, A.J., Danylov, A.A., Goyette, T.M., Dickinson, J.C., Giles, R.H., Goodhue, W., Waldman, J., Nixon, W.E., Hoen, W. (2006). Terahertz behavior of optical components and common materials. Proceedings of SPIE, (1) 62120.
- Linden, K.J., Neal, W.R., Waldman, J., Gatesman, A.J., Danylov, A.A. (2005). Terahertz laser based standoff imaging system. 34th Applied Imagery & Pattern Recognition Workshop (AIPR'05), 14.