Anna Yaroslavsky

Anna Yaroslavsky


Kennedy College of Sciences
Olney Hall 122



Research Interests

Development of wide-field high-resolution optical imaging , Light propagation in and interaction with biological tissues, Development of all-optical and multimodal image-guided intervention techniques


  • Ph D: Physics and Mathematics, (1999), Saratov State University - Saratov, Russia
    Dissertation/Thesis Title: Spectroscopic Investigations of Biological Tissues and Fluids
  • BS: Physics, (1990), Saratov State University - Saratov, Russia

Selected Awards and Honors

  • Diploma with Honors (1990)

Selected Publications

  • Yaroslavsky, A., Feng, X., Muzikansky, A., Hamblin, M.R. (2019). Fluorescence polarization of methylene blue as a quantitative marker of breast cancer at the cellular level. Scientific reports, 9(1) 940.
  • Malik, S., Jermain, P., Feng, X., Yaroslavsky, A. (2019). Multimodal optical imaging of renal cells. Optical Engineering, 58(8) 082415.
  • Feng, X., Muzikansky, A., Ross, A.H., Hamblin, M.R., Jermain, P.R., Yaroslavsky, A. (2019). Multimodal quantitative imaging of brain cancer in cultured cells. Biomedical Optics Express, 10(8) 4237--4248.
  • Rohani, P., Yaroslavsky, A., Feng, X., Jermain, P., Shaath, T., Neel, V.A. (2018). Collagen disruption as a marker for basal cell carcinoma in presurgical margin detection. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 50(9) 902--907.
  • Cecil, J., Rakesh, P., Alona, M., others, . (2017). Delineating nonmelanoma skin cancer margins using terahertz and optical imaging. Journal of Biomedical Photonics \& Engineering, 3(1).
  • Yaroslavsky, A., Feng, X., Neel, V.A. (2017). Optical mapping of nonmelanoma skin Cancers—A pilot clinical study. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 49(9) 803--809.
  • Fan, B., Neel, V.A., Yaroslavsky, A. (2016). Multimodal imaging for nonmelanoma skin cancer margin delineation. Lasers in surgery and medicine.
  • Yaroslavsky, A., Joseph, C., Patel, R., Fan, B., Musikansky, A., Neel, V.A., Giles, R.H. (2016). Combined optical and terahertz imaging for intraoperative delineation of nonmelanoma skin cancers (pp. S2-10-S2-10).
  • Feng, X., Doherty, S., Yaroslavsky, I., Altshuler, G., Yaroslavsky, A. (2015). Polarization enhanced wide-field imaging for evaluating dermal changes caused by non-ablative fractional laser treatment. Lasers in surgery and medicine.
  • Feng, X., Patel, R., Yaroslavsky, A. (2015). Wavelength optimized cross-polarized wide-field imaging for noninvasive and rapid evaluation of dermal structures. Journal of biophotonics, 8(4) 324–331.
  • Wirth, D., Snuderl, M., Curry, W., Yaroslavsky, A. (2014). Comparative evaluation of methylene blue and demeclocycline for enhancing optical contrast of gliomas in optical images. Journal of biomedical optics, 19(9) 090504–090504.
  • Joseph, C.S., Patel, R., Neel, V.A., Giles, R.H., Yaroslavsky, A. (2014). Imaging of ex vivo nonmelanoma skin cancers in the optical and terahertz spectral regions Optical and Terahertz skin cancers imaging. Journal of biophotonics, 7(5) 295–303.
  • Patel, R., Khan, A., Quinlan, R., Yaroslavsky, A. (2014). Polarization-Sensitive Multimodal Imaging for Detecting Breast Cancer. Cancer research, 74(17) 4685–4693.
  • Joseph, C.S., Yaroslavsky, A., Neel, V.A., Goyette, T.M., Giles, R.H. (2012). Continuous-wave terahertz reflection imaging of ex vivo nonmelanoma skin cancers (pp. 82610X–82610X).
  • Michal Kamionek, M., Yaroslavsky, A., Dennis Wirth, B., Quinlan, R.M. (2012). Feasibility of Dye-Enhanced Fluorescence Confocal Microscopy in Differentiation of Benign and Malignant Breast Tissue. Am J Clin Pathol, 138 A367.
  • Yaroslavsky, A., Patel, R., Salomatina, E., Li, C., Lin, C., Al-Arashi, M., Neel, V. (2012). High-contrast mapping of basal cell carcinomas. Optics Letters, 37(4) 644-646.
  • Wirth, D., Snuderl, M., Sheth, S., Kwon, C., Frosch, M.P., Curry, W., Yaroslavsky, A. (2012). Identifying brain neoplasms using dye-enhanced multimodal confocal imaging. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(2) 26012-1.
  • Patel, R., Khan, A., Wirth, D., Kamionek, M., Kandil, D., Quinlan, R., Yaroslavsky, A. (2012). Multimodal optical imaging for detecting breast cancer. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 17(6) 66008-1.
  • Joseph, C.S., Yaroslavsky, A., Neel, V.A., Goyette, T.M., Giles, R.H. (2011). Continuous wave terahertz transmission imaging of nonmelanoma skin cancers. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 43(6) 457-462.
  • Tuchin, V.V., Yaroslavsky, A., Jacques, S.L., Anderson, R. (2010). Biophotonics for dermatology: science & applications. Journal of biophotonics, 3(1-2) 9-10.
  • Joseph, C.S., Yaroslavsky, A., Lagraves, J.L., Goyette, T.M., Giles, R.H. (2010). Dual-frequency continuous-wave terahertz transmission imaging of nonmelanoma skin cancers (pp. 760104–760104).
  • Park, J., Mroz, P., Hamblin, M.R., Yaroslavsky, A. (2010). Dye-enhanced multimodal confocal microscopy for noninvasive detection of skin cancers in mouse models. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 15(2) 26023-26023.
  • Yao, M., Yaroslavsky, A., Henry, F.P., Redmond, R.W., Kochevar, I.E. (2010). Phototoxicity is not associated with photochemical tissue bonding of skin. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 42(2) 123-131.
  • Tannous, Z., Al-Arashi, M., Shah, S., Yaroslavsky, A. (2009). Delineating melanoma using multimodal polarized light imaging. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 41(1) 10-16.
  • Salomatina, E., Muzikansky, A., Neel, V., Yaroslavsky, A. (2009). Multimodal optical imaging and spectroscopy for the intraoperative mapping of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Journal of Applied Physics, 105(10) 102010-102010.
  • Yang, M.F., Tuchin, V.V., Yaroslavsky, A. (2009). Principles of Light-Skin Interactions. Light-Based Therapies for Skin of Color, 1-44.
  • Joseph, C.S., Yaroslavsky, A., Al-Arashi, M., Goyette, T.M., Dickinson, J.C., Gatesman, A.J., Soper, B.W., Forgione, C.M., Horgan, T.M., Ehasz, E.J., others, . (2009). Terahertz spectroscopy of intrinsic biomarkers for non-melanoma skin cancer (pp. 72150I–72150I).
  • Demidova-Rice, T., Salomatina, E.V., Yaroslavsky, A., Herman, I.M., Hamblin, M.R. (2007). Low-level light stimulates excisional wound healing in mice. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 39(9) 706-715.
  • Al-Arashi, M., Salomatina, E., Yaroslavsky, A. (2007). Multimodal confocal microscopy for diagnosing nonmelanoma skin cancers. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 39(9) 696-705.
  • Salomatina, E., Jiang, B., Novak, J., Yaroslavsky, A. (2006). Optical properties of normal and cancerous human skin in the visible and near-infrared spectral range. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 11(6) 64026-64026.
  • Anderson, R., Farinelli, W., Laubach, H., Manstein, D., Yaroslavsky, A., Gubeli III, J., Jordan, K., Neil, G.R., Shinn, M., Chandler, W. (2006). Selective photothermolysis of lipid-rich tissues: A free electron laser study. Lasers in surgery and medicine, 38(10) 913-919.
  • Demidova, T.N., Herman, I.M., Salomatina, E.V., Yaroslavsky, A., Hamblin, M.R. (2006). Wound healing stimulation in mice by low-level light. Prog Biomed Opt Imaging, 7(26).
  • Yaroslavsky, A., Barbosa, J., Neel, V., DiMarzio, C., Anderson, R.R. (2005). Combining multispectral polarized light imaging and confocal microscopy for localization of nonmelanoma skin cancer. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 10(1) 14011-14011.
  • Yang, M.U., Yaroslavsky, A., Farinelli, W.A., Flotte, T.J., Rius-Diaz, F., Tsao, S.S., Anderson, R. (2005). Long-pulsed neodymium: yttrium-aluminum-garnet laser treatment for port-wine stains. Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, 52(3) 480-490.
  • Chan, B.P., Amann, C., Yaroslavsky, A., Smink, D., Zarins, B., Kochevar, I.E., Redmond, R.W. (2005). Photochemical repair of Achilles tendon rupture in a rat model 1. Journal of Surgical Research, 124(2) 274-279.
  • Schwarzmaier, H., Yaroslavsky, I.V., Yaroslavsky, A., Fiedler, V., Ulrich, F., Kahn, T. (2005). Treatment planning for MRI-guided laser-induced interstitial thermotherapy of brain tumors The role of blood perfusion. Journal of Magnetic Resonance Imaging, 8(1) 121-127.
  • Yaroslavsky, A., Neel, V., Anderson, R.R. (2003). Demarcation of nonmelanoma skin cancer margins in thick excisions using multispectral polarized light imaging. Journal of investigative dermatology, 121(2) 259-266.
  • Hammer, M., Yaroslavsky, A., Schweitzer, D. (2001). A scattering phase function for blood with physiological haematocrit. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 46(3).
  • Yaroslavsky, A., Yaroslavsky, I.V., Goldbach, T., Schwarzmaier, H.J. (1999). Influence of the scattering phase function approximation on the optical properties of blood determined from the integrating sphere measurements. Journal of Biomedical Optics, 4(1) 47-53.

Selected Presentations

  • Multiscale and Multimodal Optical Imaging for Delineating Breast Cancers - Breast Cancer Conference, 2012
  • Matching wavelength to applications in polarization sensitive imaging - Photomedicine Lecture, 2012 - Boston, MA
  • Intraoperative functional mapping of eloquent brain cortex for minimizing post-operative neurological deficit - SPIE meeting, 2012 - San Jose, CA
  • Optical color-coding for automated detection of skin cancers - SPIE meeting, 2012 - San Jose, CA
  • Terahertz imaging of nonmelanoma skin cancers - SPIE meeting, 2012 - San Jose, CA
  • Towards In Situ Optical Pathology - Biomedical Optics Workshop, 2010 - Boston, MA
  • Optical Diagnostics: Uncovering Hidden Features of Live Tissue, 2010 - Trondheim, Norway
  • Temperature Induced Changes in the Optical Properties of Skin In Vivo - SPIE meeting, 2010 - San Jose, CA
  • Advanced optical techniques for enhancing specificity of skin cancers detection - International Workshop on Optical technologies in Biophysics and Medicine, 2008 - Saratov, Russia
  • Intraoperative Optical Guidance in Dermatology, 2008
  • Mapping Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers Using Multimodal Macro-Imaging - ISDIS/AAD, 2007 - Washington, DC
  • Optical imaging for Dermatology, 2006 - Skillman, NJ, USA
  • Optical Techniques for Skin Cancer Delineation, 2006 - Barcelona, Spain
  • Towards in situ optical pathology, 2006 - New York City, NY
  • New developments in the optical mapping of nonmelanoma skin cancers - Gordon Research Conference on Lasers in Medicine and Biology, 2004 - Meriden, NH
  • Demarcation of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers Using Fluorescence and Reflectance Polarization Imaging, 2003 - Saratov, Russia
  • The optical properties of blood in the near infrared spectral range - SPIE meeting, 1996 - San Jose, CA

Selected Intellectual Property

  • Patent - Yaroslavsky, ."Fluorescence polarization imaging device and methods.," Pending
  • Patent - Yaroslavsky, ."Fluorescence polarization imaging device and methods.," 7,289,205 United States
  • Patent - A, Y."Multimodal Imaging for Cancer Detection," United States
  • Patent - A, Y."Devices and Methods for Optical Pathology.," Pending United States
  • Patent - Yaroslavsky, ."Method and apparatus for spectrally resolved imaging of biological tissue.," Pending United States
  • Patent - Yaroslavsky, ."High-contrast high-resolution imaging of skin cancer.," Pending United States
  • Patent - Yaroslavsky, ."Device and method for wide-field and high-resolution imaging.," Pending
  • Patent - Yaroslavsky, ."Polarized light imaging devices and methods.," Pending

Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research

  • Terahertz and Polarization Optical Imaging (2013), -
    Yaroslavsky, A. (Principal)
  • Towards in Situ Optical Pathology of Nonmelanoma Skin Cancers (2010), Grant -
    Yaroslavsky, A. (Principal)
  • Rental of PERFIS Machine (2011), -
    Yaroslavsky, A. (Principal)
  • Validation of Multimodal Optical Imaging for Detecting Breast Cancer: A Pilot Stu (2010), -
    Yaroslavsky, A. (Principal)