Probability, mathematical statistics, neural networks & pattern recognition
Research Interests
Probability, Mathematical Statistics, Neural Networks and Pattern Recognition
- Ph.D.: Mathematics, (1970), Stanford University - Calif.
- MS: Mathematics, (1968), Stanford University - Calif.
- BS: Physics and Mathematics, (1965), Tufts University - Medford, Mass.
Selected Publications
- Farkhad Maksudov, Lee K. Jones, and Valeri Barsegov (2021) Statistical Learning from Single-Molecule Experiments: Support Vector Machines and Expectation − Maximization Approaches to Understanding Protein Unfolding Data published as part of The Journal of Physical Chemistry virtual special issue “Dave Thirumalai Festschrift," 125,5794-5808.
- Jones, L.K., Gartner, N.H., Shubov, M., Stamatiadis, C., Einstein, D. (2018). Modeling origin-destination uncertainty using network sensor and survey data and new approaches to robust control. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 94, 121–132.
- Srinivas, S., Gartner, N., Jones, L.K., Stamatiadis, C., Xie, Y. (2016). Development of an Optimization-Based Decision Support Model (DSM) for Instrumenting a State Highway System.
- Jones, L.K. (2015). An Elementary Derivation of the Numerical Integration Bounds in Beginning Calculus, American Mathematical Monthly. In press.
- Lin Zhang, Louis Thibodeaux Rainer Lohmann and L.K. Jones. (2015). Simulation of Observed PCBs and Pesticides in the Water Column during the North Atlantic Bloom Experiment. Environmental Sciences and Technology.
- Kononova, O., Jones, L.K., Barsegov, V. (2015). Order Statistics Inference for Describing Topological Coupling and Mechanical Symmetry Breaking in Multidomain Proteins., e-Print Arch., Phys., 1-30.
- Jones, L.K., Deshpande, R., Gartner, N.H., Stamatiadis, C., Zou, F. (2013). Robust controls for traffic networks: The near-Bayes near-Minimax strategy. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,27 205-218.
- Einstein, D., Jones, L. (2013). Uniformly generating origin destination tables. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics),7777 209-216.
- Kononova, O., Jones, L.K., Barsegov, V. (2013). Order Statistics Inference for Describing Topological Coupling and Mechanical Symmetry Breaking in Multidomain Proteins. Journal of Chemical Physics,139(12).
- Jones, L.K. (2012). Remarks on queue inference from departure data alone and the importance of the queue inference engine. Operations Research Letters,40(6) 503-505.
- Jones, L.K., Zou, F., Kheifets, A., Rybnikov, K., Berry, D., Tan, A.C. (2011). Confident Predictability: Identifying reliable gene expression patterns for individualized tumor classification using a local minimax kernel algorithm. BMC medical genomics,4(1) 10.
- Jones, L.K. (2009). Local minimax learning of functions with best finite sample estimation error bounds: Applications to ridge and lasso regression, boosting, tree learning, kernel machines, and inverse problems. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,55(12) 5700-5727.
- Jones, L.K., Rybnikov, K., Ahlswede, R., Apostolico, A., Levenshtein, V.I. (2006). Local Minimax Learning of Approximately Polynomial Functions.
- Jones, L.K., O'Neil, P.J. (2002). On Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms for computing conditional expectations based on sufficient statistics. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics,11(3) 660-677.
- Jones, L.K. (2000). Local greedy approximation for nonlinear regression and neural network training. Annals of Statistics,28(5) 1379-1389.
- Jones, L.K. (1999). Inferring balking behavior from transactional data. Operations research,47(5) 778-784.
- Jones, L.K. (1998). Contingency Tables- Diaconis-Efron Conditional Volume Test (with P. J. O'Neil). Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, 3.
- Jones, L.K. (1997). The computational intractability of training sigmoidal neural networks. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,43(1) 167-173.
- Holmes, R.B., Jones, L.K. (1996). On uniform generation of two-way tables with fixed margins and the conditional volume test of Diaconis and Efron. Annals of Statistics,24(1) 64-68.
- Jones, L.K. and R. C. Larson. (1995). Efficient Computation of Probabilities of Events described by Order Statistics and Applications to Queue Inference. Informs Journal on Computing, 89-100.
- Jones, L.K. (1994). Transactional Data Inference for Telecommunications Models, (with K. Chandra). Proceedings of Technical Conference on Telecommunications R&D in Massachusetts, UML, 107-114
- Jones, L.K. (1994). Good weights and hyperbolic kernels for neural networks, projection pursuit, and pattern classification: Fourier strategies for extracting information from high-dimensional data. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,40(2) 439-454.
- Jones, L.K. (1992). A Simple Lemma on Greedy Approximation in Hilbert Space and Convergence Rates for Projection Pursuit Regression and Neural Network Training. Annals of Statistics,20(1) 1.608-613.
- Gonzalez-Velasco, E.A., Jones, L.K. (1992). On the range of an unbounded partly atomic vector-valued measure. Pacific Journal of Mathematics,154(2) 245–251.
- Byrne, C.L. , Jones, L.K.(1990) - Axiomatic approach to certain inverse problems November 1990, Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering
- Jones, L.K. (1990). Constructive approximations for neural networks by sigmoidal functions. Proceedings of the IEEE,78(10) 1586-1589.
- Jones, L.K., Trutzer, V. (1990). Erratum: Computationally feasible high-resolution minimum-distance procedures which extend the maximum-entropy method(Inverse Problems (1989) 5 (749-766)). Inverse Problems,6(5) 873.
- Jones, L.K., Byrne, C.L. (1990). General entropy criteria for inverse problems, with applications to data compression, pattern classification, and cluster analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,36(1) 23-30.
- Jones, L.K., Trutzer, V. (1990). On extending the orthogonality property of minimum norm solutions in Hilbert space to general methods for linear inverse problems. Inverse Problems,6(3) 379-388.
- Flick, T.E., Jones, L.K., Priest, R.G., Herman, C. (1990). Pattern classification using projection pursuit. Pattern Recognition,23(12) 1367-1376.
- Jones, L.K. (1989). Approximation-Theoretic Derivation of Logarithmic Entropy Principles for Inverse Problems and Unique Extension of the Maximum Entropy Method to Incorporate Prior Knowledge. S.I.A.M. Journal of Appl. Math., 49(2) 650-661.
- Jones, L.K., Trutzer, V. (1989). Computationally feasible high-resolution minimum-distance procedures which extend the maximum-entropy method. Inverse Problems,5(5) 749-766.
- Jones, L.K. (1988). A Minimax Approach to Development of Robust Discrimination Algorithms for Multivariate Mixture Distributions (with T.E. Flick and R. Priest). Proc. of I.E.E.E. Int. Conf. on A.S.S.P., 1-4.
- Jones, L.K. (1988). Stochastic multisample extension of Morris's robust detector in bounded amplitude noise. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,34(5 pt 1) 973-978.
- Jones, L.K. (1987). On a Conjecture of Huber Concerning the Convergence of Projection Pursuit Regression. Annals of Statistics, 880-882.
- Jones, L.K. (1986). A Generalization of the Method of Correlated Sampling for Numerical Integration (with T.E. Flick). SIAM Journal on Scientific and Statistical Computing, 7(3) 1037-1040.
- Flick, T.E., Jones, L.K. (1986). COMBINATORIAL APPROACH FOR CLASSIFICATION OF PATTERNS WITH MISSING INFORMATION AND RANDOM ORIENTATION. IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence,PAMI-8(4) 482-490.
- Jones, L.K. (1984). Efficient Error Estimation for Gaussian Classifiers (with T.E. Flick). Proc. of the 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition, Montreal, 2 1347-1350.
- Jones, L.K. (1984). On finding non-randomized minimax tests for statistical decision problems with applications to signal detection. Zeitschrift f�r Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete,67(1) 109-120.
- Fishman, P.M., Jones, L.K. (1984). SIGNAL CONVEXITY AND NOISE CONVEXITY OF CHERNOFF AND DIVERGENCE DISTANCES. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,IT-30(6) 854-856.
- Fishman, P.M., Jones, L.K., Therrien, C.W. (1983). DESIGN OF MASKING PROCESSES BY THE METHOD OF MINIMAL DIVERGENCE. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,IT-30(2) 245-255.
- Flinchbaugh B.E. and Jones, L.K. (1981). Strong Connectivity in Directional Nearest-Neighbor Graphs. SIAM Journal on Algebraic and Discrete Methods, 2(4) 461-463.
- Jones, L.K. (1980). ASYMPTOTICALLY OPTIMAL DETECTOR OF MEMORY p FOR k-DEPENDENT RANDOM SIGNALS. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory,IT-26(4) 491-492.
- Jones, L.K., Lin, M. (1980). Unimodular eigenvalues and weak mixing. Journal of Functional Analysis,35(1) 42-48.
- Jones, L.K. (1978). Every Lp Operator is an L2 Operator (with W.B. Johnson). Proc. of A.M.S., 72(2) 309-312.
- Jones, L.K. (1978). On the Distribution of Sums of Vectors. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics, 34(1) 1-6.
- Jones, L.K. (1977). A Note on the Traveling Salesman Problem. SIAM Journal of Applied Mathematics,32(1) 220-222.
- Jones, L.K. (1976). Ergodic Theorems of Weak Mixing Type (with M. Lin). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 57 50-52.
- Jones, L.K. (1976). Sur une loi de probabilite conditionelle de kleitman. Discrete Mathematics,15(1) 107-108.
- Jones, L.K., Krengel, U. (1974). On transformations without finite invariant measure. Advances in Mathematics,12(3) 275-295.
- Jones, L.K. (1973). A generalization of the mean ergodic theorem in banach spaces. Zeitschrift f�r Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete,27(2) 105-107.
- Jones, L.K. (1972). A short proof of Sucheston's characterization of mixing. Zeitschrift f�r Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Verwandte Gebiete,23(2) 83-84.
- Jones, L.K. (1972). An elementary lemma on sequences of integers and its applications to functional analysis. Mathematische Zeitschrift,126(4) 299-307.
- Jones, L.K. (1971). A Note on the Blum-Hanson Theorem (with V. Kuftinec). Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society,30 202-203.
- Jones, L.K. (1971). A mean ergodic theorem for weakly mixing operators. Advances in Mathematics,7(3) 211-216.
Selected Contracts, Fellowships, Grants and Sponsored Research
- New England University Transportation Center Research Project (2012), Contract - U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION
Jones, L.K. (Co-Principal)