Charles Byrne

Charles Byrne


Kennedy College of Sciences
Mathematics & Statistics


Algorithms for medical imaging

Research Interests

iterative algorithms; optimization; signal processing; medical imaging.

iterative methods for solving large-scale systems of equations with constraints; image reconstruction from CAT and PET scan data; algorithms for radiation therapy; ocean acoustic signal processing; variational inequality problems.


  • Ph D: Mathematics, (1972), University of Pittsburgh - Washington, D.C.
  • MA: Mathematics, (1970), Georgetown University - Washington, D.C.
  • BS: Mathematics, (1968), Georgetown University - Washington, D.C.

Selected Publications

  • Byrne, C., Lee, J. (2015). Alternating Minimization, Proximal Minimization and Optimization Transfer Are Equivalent. arXiv preprint arXiv:1512.03034.
  • Byrne, C. (2014). A First Course in Optimization. CRC Press
  • Byrne, C. (2014). Iterative Optimization in Inverse Problems. CRC Press
  • Byrne, C. (2014). An elementary proof of convergence for the forward-backward splitting algorithm. Journal of Nonlinear and Convex Analysis, 15(4) 681-691.
  • Byrne, C. (2013). Alternating Minimization as Sequential Unconstrained Minimization: A Survey. Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications, 156(3) 554-566.
  • Qranfal, J., Byrne, C. (2011). EM filter for time-varying spect reconstruction. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 73(4) 379-403.
  • Qranfal, J., Byrne, C. (2011). Smart filter for dynamic spect image reconstruction. International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 73(4) 405-434.
  • Shieh, H.M., Hsu, Y.C., Byrne, C., Fiddy, M.A. (2010). Resolution enhancement of imaging small-scale portions in a compactly supported function. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 27(2) 141-150.
  • Shieh, H.M., Chung, C.H., Byrne, C. (2008). Resolution enhancement in computerized tomographic imaging. Applied Optics, 47(22) 4116-4120.
  • Byrne, C. (2008). Sequential unconstrained minimization algorithms for constrained optimization. Inverse Problems, 24(1).
  • Shieh, H.M., Byrne, C. (2006). Image reconstruction from limited Fourier data. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 23(11) 2732-2736.
  • Shieh, H.M., Byrne, C., Fiddy, M.A. (2006). Image reconstruction: A unifying model for resolution enchancement and data extrapolation. Tutorial. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 23(2) 258-266.
  • Shieh, H.M., Byrne, C., Testorf, M.E., Fiddy, M.A. (2006). Iterative image reconstruction using prior knowledge. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 23(6) 1292-1300.
  • Vandenberghe, S., Staelens, S., Byrne, C., Soares, E.J., Lemahieu, I., Glick, S.J. (2006). Reconstruction of 2D PET data with Monte Carlo generated system matrix for generalized natural pixels. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 51(12) 3105-3125.
  • Byrne, C. (2005). Choosing parameters in block-iterative or ordered subset reconstruction algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 14(3) 321-327.
  • Byrne, C. (2004). A unified treatment of some iterative algorithms in signal processing and image reconstruction. Inverse Problems, 20(1) 103-120.
  • Butnariu, D., Byrne, C., Censor, Y. (2003). Redundant axioms in the definition of Bregman functions. Journal of Convex Analysis, 10(1) 245-254.
  • Narayanan, M.V., King, M.A., Byrne, C. (2002). An iterative transmission algorithm incorporating cross-talk correction for SPECT. Medical physics, 29(5) 694-700.
  • Byrne, C. (2002). Iterative oblique projection onto convex sets and the split feasibility problem. Inverse Problems, 18(2) 441-453.
  • Narayanan, M.V., Byrne, C., King, M.A. (2001). An interior point iterative maximum-likelihood reconstruction algorithm incorporating upper and lower bounds with application to SPECT transmission imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 20(4) 342-353.
  • Byrne, C., Censor, Y. (2001). Proximity Function Minimization Using Multiple Bregman Projections, with Applications to Split Feasibility and Kullback-Leibler Distance Minimization. Annals of Operations Research, 105(1-4) 77-98.
  • Byrne, C. (2000). Block-iterative interior point optimization methods for image reconstruction from limited data. Inverse Problems, 16(5) 1405-1419.
  • Narayanan, M.V., King, M.A., Wernick, M.N., Byrne, C., Soares, E.J., Pretorius, P.H. (2000). Improved image quality and computation reduction in 4-D reconstruction of cardiac-gated SPECT images. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 19(5) 423-433.
  • Soares, E.J., Byrne, C., Glick, S.J. (2000). Noise characterization of block-iterative reconstruction algorithms: I. Theory. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 19(4) 261-270.
  • Leahy, R., Byrne, C. (2000). Recent developments in iterative image reconstruction for PET and SPECT. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 19(4) 257-260.
  • Narayanan, M.V., King, M.A., Scares, E.J., Byrne, C., Hendrik Pretorius, P., Wernick, M.N. (1999). Application of the Karhunen-Lo ve Transform to 4D Reconstruction of Cardiac Gated SPECT Images. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 46(4 PART 2) 1001-1008.
  • Narayanan, M.V., King, M.A., Soares, E.J., Byrne, C., Pretorius, P.H., Wernick, M.N. (1999). Application of the Karhunen-Loeve transform to 4D reconstruction of cardiac gated SPECT images. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference, 2 1141-1145.
  • Byrne, C. (1999). Iterative projection onto convex sets using multiple Bregman distances. Inverse Problems, 15(5) 1295-1313.
  • Byrne, C. (1998). Accelerating the EMML algorithm and related iterative algorithms by rescaled block-iterative methods. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 7(1) 100-109.
  • Byrne, C. (1998). Iterative algorithms for deblurring and deconvolution with constraints. Inverse Problems, 14(6) 1455-1467.
  • Pretorius, P.H., King, M.A., Pan, T.S., De Vries, D.J., Glick, S.J., Byrne, C. (1998). Reducing the influence of the partial volume effect on SPECT activity quantitation with 3D modelling of spatial resolution in iterative reconstruction. Physics in Medicine and Biology, 43(2) 407-420.
  • Pan, T.S., Tsui, B.M., Byrne, C. (1997). Choice of initial conditions in the ML reconstruction of fan-beam transmission with truncated projection data. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 16(4) 426-438.
  • Byrne, C. (1997). Convergent block-iterative algorithms for image reconstruction from inconsistent data. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 6(9) 1296-1304.
  • Liao, C.W., Fiddy, M.A., Byrne, C. (1997). Imaging from the zero locations of far-field-intensity data. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 14(12) 3155-3161.
  • Byrne, C. (1996). Block-iterative methods for image reconstruction from projections. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 5(5) 792-794.
  • Glick, S.J., Penney, B.C., King, M.A., Byrne, C. (1994). Noniterative compensation for the distance-dependent detector response and photon attenuation in SPECT imaging. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging, 13(2) 363-374.
  • Byrne, C., Haughton, D., Jiang, T. (1993). High-resolution inversion of the discrete Poisson and binomial transformations. Inverse Problems, 9(1) 39-56.
  • Soares, E.J., Byrne, C., Glick, S.J., Appledorn, C.R., King, M.A. (1993). Implementation and evaluation of an analytical solution to the photon attenuation and nonstationary resolution reconstruction problem in SPECT. IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, 40(4).
  • Byrne, C. (1993). Iterative image reconstruction algorithms based on cross-entropy minimization. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 2(1) 96-103.
  • Steele, A.K., Byrne, C., Riley, J.L., Swift, M. (1993). Performance comparison of high resolution bearing estimation algorithms using simulated and sea test data. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 18(4) 438-446.
  • Byrne, C., Graham-Eagle, J. (1992). Convergence properties of the algebraic reconstruction technique (ART) (pp. 1240–1242).
  • Byrne, C. (1992). Effects of modal phase errors on eigenvector and nonlinear methods for source localization in matched-field processing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 92(4 I) 2159-2164.
  • Glick, S.J., Hawkins, W.G., King, M.A., Penney, B.C., Soares, E.J., Byrne, C. (1992). The effect of intrinsic attenuation correction methods on the stationarity of the 3-D modulation transfer function of SPECT. Medical physics, 19(4) 1105-1112.
  • Byrne, C. (1991). The additive causal part of Burg's maximum entropy estimator and data consistency. IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing, 39(4) 958-959.
  • Byrne, C., Brent, R.T., Feuillade, C., DelBalzo, D.R. (1990). A stable data-adaptive method for matched-field array processing in acoustic waveguides. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 87(6) 2493-2502.
  • Jones, L.K., Byrne, C. (1990). General entropy criteria for inverse problems, with applications to data compression, pattern classification, and cluster analysis. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 36(1) 23-30.
  • Steele, A.K., Byrne, C. (1990). High-resolution array processing using implicit eigenvector weighting techniques. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, 15(1) 8-13.
  • Frichter, G.M., Byrne, C., Feuillade, C. (1990). Sector-focused stability methods for robust source localization in matched-field processing. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 88(6) 2843-2851.
  • Bayley, J.S., Byrne, C., Fiddy, M.A., Abbiss, J.B., Brames, B.J. (1988). Image resolution enhancement on a neural network. Neural Networks, 1(1 SUPPL) 425.
  • Byrne, C., Fiddy, M.A. (1988). Images as power spectra; reconstruction as a Wiener filter approximation. Inverse Problems, 4(2) 399-409.
  • Byrne, C., Steele, A.K. (1985). STABLE NONLINEAR METHODS FOR SENSOR ARRAY PROCESSING. IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, OE-10(3) 255-259.
  • Byrne, C., Fitzgerald, R.M. (1984). LINEAR AND NONLINEAR ESTIMATORS FOR ONE- AND TWO-DIMENSIONAL FOURIER TRANSFORMS. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-32(4) 914-916.
  • Byrne, C., Fitzgerald, R.M. (1984). SPECTRAL ESTIMATORS THAT EXTEND THE MAXIMUM ENTROPY AND MAXIMUM LIKELIHOOD METHODS. SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics, 44(2) 425-442.
  • Byrne, C., Levine, B.M., Dainty, J.C. (1984). STABLE ESTIMATION OF THE PROBABILITY DENSITY FUNCTION OF INTENSITY FROM PHOTON FREQUENCY COUNTS. Journal of the Optical Society of America A: Optics and Image Science, and Vision, 1(11) 1132-1135.
  • Byrne, C., Fitzgerald, R.M. (1983). APPROXIMATION THEORETIC APPROACH TO MAXIMUM ENTROPY SPECTRAL ANALYSIS. IEEE Transactions on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ASSP-31(3) 734-736.
  • Byrne, C., Fitzgerald, R.M. (1983). High-resolution beamforming with oversampled arrays. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 74(4) 1224-1227.
  • Byrne, C., Fitzgerald, R.M., Fiddy, M.A., Hall, T.J., Darling, A.M. (1983). IMAGE RESTORATION AND RESOLUTION ENHANCEMENT. Journal of the Optical Society of America, 73(11) 1481-1487.
  • Fitzgerald, R., Byrne, C. (1980). EXTRAPOLATION OF BAND-LIMITED SIGNALS: A TUTORIAL. Papers presented before the Symposium on Coal Preparation and Utilization, 175-180.