Kim has a background of over 20 years in academic research at various institutions and in various roles. She has extensive experience in grant writing, particularly for federal funding agencies, both from the perspective of an active faculty researcher and as a Research Development professional. Kim is a Ph.D. graduate in the field of human genetics and studied under the mentorship of Professor Sir Alec Jeffreys at the University of Leicester, UK. In 2005, she made the trek “across the pond” to complete a two-year postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell University ... and 19 years later is still here! Kim completed her postdoctoral studies in reproductive genomics and mammalian genetics in the Department of Biomedical Sciences, before accepting a position as a specialty track faculty-research scientist, also in Biomedical Sciences. She successfully competed for independent NIH funding and had a thriving research program.
In 2014, Kim made the switch from active research to research support by initially accepting a position as a grant and contract officer in the Office of Sponsored Programs at Cornell University. After learning the “nuts and bolts” of research administration, she was promoted to the position of associate director for proposal advancement upon implementation of a new initiative in 2016. She successfully managed the development of awarded grants totaling $100 million+ in extramural research funding in the four years she oversaw research development at Cornell, with a success rate of approximately 44%, dollar for dollar funded/not funded.
Kim joined Northeastern University in March 2020 as the inaugural vice provost for research development. Since her arrival, the research development enterprise at Northeastern has grown from around five employees to more than 25 research development professionals across the global university system.
Kim lives in Haverhill with her partner and fur babies (two cats, Bruce Wayne and Barry Allen); enjoys all types of games, movies and riding her e-bike; was a volunteer puppy raiser and class instructor for Guiding Eyes for the Blind for 10 years; and now sits on the board of trustees and board of directors for the Carroll Center for the Blind in Newton.