Oct. 21: Focus on the Political Attitudes of Gen Z and Millennials

UMass Lowell Center for Public Opinion conducted a survey Oct. 5 through 12 of American adults with an oversample of those aged 18-39.
Key Findings
- The majority of Americans favor systemic reforms including the expansion of the Supreme Court and the ending of the Electoral College. These reforms are especially popular with Gen Z and Millennials.
- Gen Z and Millennial respondents are the most likely to say human activity contributes to climate change – 84% for Gen Z and 85% for Millennials. A majority of Americans (54%) also believe the U.S. government has done too little to combat the effects of climate change, with Gen-Z leading the way at 65% and Millennials at 60%.
- A majority of Americans are in favoring of canceling all student loan debt: 52% in favor to 48% opposed. Support is strongest among Gen Z respondents (66% favor) and Millennials (66% favor), while Gen X respondents are split (51% favor) and Baby Boomers (38% favor) and members of the Silent Generation (31% favor) both oppose canceling student loan debt.