Key Findings about the Presidential election

  • Millennials do not seem happy about their choices for president and may not vote.
  • Appears that the majority of likely voters among Sanders' supporters are voting for Clinton.
  • Millennials view Trump negatively by every metric in this survey.
  • Clinton's approval rating is 56 percent among registered voters compared with Sanders at 73 percent and Obama at 71 percent.

Other Findings

  • The only issue that a clear majority of 18-35 year olds agree on is supporting the legalization and usage of recreational marijuana use (58 percent).
  • Trust in government institutions is low, except for teachers, universities, military, police and fire departments.
  • Millennials do not believe you can be too careful in dealing with others (58 percent), think that people are mostly looking out for themselves (55 percent) and that most people would take advantage if they got the chance (70 percent).
  • Racial disparities are evident throughout question responses, indicating very different perspective on racial discrimination between white and non-white millennials.