Responsible Office: Controller’s Office

Responsible Position: Controller

I. Procedure Overview

This procedure addresses the use of principal investigator (PI) research investment funds (RIF) for use in obtaining a course buyout to pursue an exceptional opportunity for research and development activities such as leading the writing of a proposal for a Research Center. Routine proposals do not qualify for using RIF to do a course buyout. PIs may not pay themselves summer salary or other additional compensation with their own RIF.

II. Purpose

This procedure provides a special opportunity for faculty to pursue exceptional external funding for research and development activities using their RIF.

III. Scope

This procedure applies to tenure-track and tenured faculty from all colleges with PI RIF. Approval is at the discretion of the college Dean or their designee or the Provost with consideration of the teaching needs of the college. The faculty member exercising this option is responsible to assist the Department Chair or designee to identify the instructor to cover the buyout course.

IV. Definitions

Course Buyout is a faculty requested course release approved at the discretion of the Dean or their designee for a reduced courseload which may be paid for through extramural funding or PI RIF. A faculty member may buy out of one or more courses at a rate of 1/18 of their annual salary for each credit reduction or $5,000, whichever is lower. Hence, a 3-credit course would be 1/6 of their annual salary or $15,000, whichever is lower. Faculty may not buy out above 6 semester credits in a given academic year and their teaching load cannot be less than 1+1 without special approval of their college Dean or their designee and the Provost. As consistent with all faculty buyouts, fringe will be calculated and included in the overall buyout amount.

Research Investment Funds are University funds proportional to the project indirect costs received from sponsored research grants and contracts. The intent of RIF monies is to stimulate further growth in UMass Lowell research and innovation, leading to long-term sustainability and growth of the University’s research programs. These funds must be spent by the PI for the purposes of research, tests, software and equipment purchases and maintenance, invention, discovery, development, visibility, team proposals, center development or other uses consistent with this intent. Research purposes may include but are not limited to research supplies and equipment, books and educational materials, travel to attend and present at conferences, student employment, administrative and technical staff, and consultants with justifiable expertise. PIs may not pay themselves summer salary or other additional compensation with their own RIF.

V. Procedures

Typically, course buyouts are funded from external grant funds and are included in the grant budgets submitted through the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP). For cases where a course buyout will be paid from PI RIF, the PI RIF Course Buyout request form must be submitted to the Controller’s Office (CO) at for initial review and verification When the CO review is complete, the form will be sent to the PI, and the college Dean or designee for approval. If the PI is also the Dean, the form will be sent to the Provost for approval.

The PI RIF Course Buyout request form will require a justification for the request. The justification must provide a specific description of the planned use of the time and how this course buyout will significantly improve the competitiveness of the effort to secure external research and development funding. Examples include but are not limited to:

  • The time is needed to develop a major proposal, such as a center proposal, a multi-PI/multi-institutional proposal, a large infrastructure proposal, etc. (indicate funding agency, program, and target submission date).
  • The time is needed to generate preliminary results and develop a first major early career proposal – e.g., NSF CAREER, DOD young investigator, NIH R01 (indicate funding agency, program, and target submission date).
  • The time is needed to shift into an interdisciplinary or transdisciplinary research area with significant growth potential (provide description).

VI. Responsibility

  • Principal Investigators
  • College Deans
  • Provost
  • Controller’s Office
  • Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation

VII. Attachments

PI Research Investment Funds Course Buyout Form