By Holly Norton

The National Science Foundation will be hosting another webinar in the 2023 NSF Policy Office Webinar Series, covering Eligibility for NSF Funding Opportunities: Organizational Eligibility and Categories of Proposers Formats, which will take place Thursday, September 28, 2023, from 2-3 p.m. EST. There is no cost to participate.

The NSF Proposal and Award Policies and Procedures Guide (PAPPG) identifies the types of organizations that are eligible to submit proposals to NSF. Program solicitations, however, can limit both the types of organizations that are eligible to submit proposals as well as impose limitations on Principal Investigators (PIs). This webinar will cover eligibility in detail and provide examples of funding opportunities that restrict the general PAPPG eligibility policy.

Registration for this webinar is now open!

For those who cannot attend the live webinar, all recorded sessions will be available on-demand shortly after the event.

Feel free to check the NSF Policy Office website for the most up-to-date webinar information. You can view recordings from previous webinars and conferences at the Resource Center or YouTube.