We Investigate

We study ways to assure that:

  • Products are designed without using hazardous substances.
  • Diseases are prevented by eliminating toxic exposures from jobs, homes and communities.
  • Businesses that want to go green can also provide good jobs and remain profitable.
  • New markets are created by the development of sustainable products and services.

We Collaborate

We work with the right people, on the right issues, at the right time. For example:

  • The Lowell Center began studying sustainable toys before the massive recalls for lead contamination.
  • We have led the way in promoting the precautionary principle in environmental policy.
  • We’ve been hosting a national green chemistry business organization, the Green Chemistry & Commerce Council (GC3) since 2005.
  • We’ve partnered with home healthcare agencies and unions to improve the safety of clients and caregivers in this rapidly growing industry.

We Articulate

  • We offer training, technical assistance, policy advice and publications.
  • Our reports target policymakers, businesses, and the general public, providing resources to inspire improvements that protect health and the environment.