The Office of Research Integrity (ORI) provides oversight and support for the process of disclosure of any real or perceived financial interest. This includes review of potential conflicts and management of identified conflicts.
All UMass Lowell (UML) faculty and staff are expected to comply with the university’s conflict of interest (COI) policies by disclosing any significant financial interests prior to submission of grant/contract proposals to the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) and disclosing significant financial interests on an ongoing basis as required by research sponsors. Additionally, as State of Massachusetts employees, Disclosure for Outside Activities are required by the Massachusetts State Ethics Board.
The UMass Lowell Campus Conflicts of Interest Committee meets monthly and is responsible for the initial review of potential conflicts of interest. The UMass System Conflicts Committee then reviews the conflict and provides final guidance as necessary to the employee, typically as a conflict management plan. UMass Lowell has two representatives on the UMass system Conflicts Committee - a faculty representative and the Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation (or designee).