The Carework Network is an international organization of researchers, policymakers, and advocates involved in various domains of care work. Based in the social sciences, individuals from all academic disciplines and advocacy organizations who take various approaches to the study of care work and care work policy are invited to participate in the Carework Network.
At this time, the network does not have an official membership list or dues structure. Participation is through the listserv, Facebook page, and conferences and events. The governance of the network rests in a national steering committee.
Carework research and policy focus on the caring work of individuals, families, communities, paid caregivers, social service agencies, and state bureaucracies, and ask important questions about such matters as:
- how women's labor force participation has affected the nature and scope of women's and men's caring work;
- how identities influence carework;
- how inequality based on gender, race/ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other factors relates to caring;
- how caring work is recognized and compensated;
- how various state welfare policies the distribution of carework;
- and whether and to what extent citizens have a right to receive, and a duty to provide, care.