What is the Intervention Design and Analysis Scorecard (IDEAS)?
Training video: IDEAS Overview (6:53)
The Intervention Design and Analysis Scorecard (IDEAS) tool is the seven-step process at the heart of the Healthy Workplace Participatory Program. Through this tool, employees identify the root causes of a specific work-related safety and health concern, and design appropriate interventions.
The IDEAS tool requires collaboration between managerial and non-managerial employees. A facilitator guides the process. Before using the tool, you must select a specific health or safety concern as the focus. Tools for prioritization and assessment are provided on the Design Team Start-up page and the Identify Health and Safety Priorities page.

The first four steps of the tool typically involve a Design Team (DT), and the last three steps typically involve a Steering Committee (SC) of managers and decision-makers. Each IDEAS step includes a Facilitator Manual and an accompanying worksheet. The Facilitator Manual contains Facilitator preparation, a Facilitator annotated agenda, and Design Team handouts. View a detailed IDEAS wheel (pdf) to learn specific roles for DT and SC during each IDEAS step.
IDEAS Tool: Steps to Intervention Planning
- Facilitator Manual: Generating Solutions Using the IDEAS Tool (pdf) - a 135-page guide for facilitators with detailed instructions for preparing and leading each IDEAS step one through seven
- Blank Worksheets for IDEAS Steps 1-7 (docx)
- Hojas de trabajo en blanco para IDEAS Pasos 1-7 (español) (docx)
IDEAS Step By Step
- Step 1: Identify Problems & Contributing Factors
- Step 2: Develop Objectives & Activities
- Step 3: Set Selection Criteria
- Step 4: Apply Selection Criteria
- Step 5: Rate & Select Intervention Alternatives
- Step 6: Plan & Implement Interventions
- Step 7: Monitor & Evaluate Interventions