Program evaluation is vital for assuring that the program is meeting expectations and getting results. Identifying problems early can help you make corrections and stay on track. Collecting evaluation data can show progress and help to justify future program investments.
What should be evaluated?
Process measures describe the quality of program (and specific intervention) implementation
- Participant ratings of quality - meetings, communication, engagement
- Frequency and attendance at meetings and in program activities
- Nature of interventions planned - are they integrated, directed at improving both the work environment and individual behavior
Outcome measures describe how well the program or intervention met the short- and long-term health or safety objectives.
- More people reporting time spent in leisure activities
- More employees perceiving strong management support for health and safety
- Fewer reports of injuries or absences
Evaluation Tools
- For general information about effective methods for program evaluation, please visit the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website.
- All-Employee Survey - This survey can be used to learn employee attitudes related to health, safety and well-being.
- Manager interview guide (pdf) - This guide can be used by program facilitators to collect information about management's experience with the program.
- Post-Meeting Survey (to be filled by program facilitators) (pdf) - This survey can be used to systematically evaluate the program process (group dynamics, ease of program delivery, management support, and communication with non-team members).
- Post-Meeting Survey (to be filled by team members) (pdf) - This survey can be used to systematically collect information about the quality of team facilitation in each meeting.
- Design Team survey (pdf) - this guide can be used by program facilitators to collect information about the Design Team's experience with the program.
- Healthy Workplace Program Process Evaluation Rating Sheet (pdf) - this rating sheet can be used by team members to evaluate satisfaction with the program process.
- Healthy Workplace Program Management Dashboard (pdf) - this dashboard can be used by team members to monitor the quality of the program process.