Story and Source Ideas for Journalists

Contact: Nancy Cicco: 978-934-4944, or Christine Gillette: 978-934-2209,
This is a notice of upcoming events, photo opportunities and story ideas at UMass Lowell. For more, visit
Sources of the week
UMass Lowell faculty experts are available to discuss:
- The record $1.2 billion box-office success of “Avengers: Endgame” in its opening weekend and how the movie fits into Disney’s business strategies;
- President Trump’s 2020 re-election plan to win over four key states that voted Democratic in the last presidential campaign;
- How climate change is contributing to the increase in Lyme disease this spring and what people need to know to keep themselves and their pets healthy.
Contact UMass Lowell media relations if you need an expert source on any subject.
Talk Seeks to Inspire Next Generation of Business Leaders
When and where: Tuesday, April 30, 4:30 to 6 p.m. Lydon Library, Room 110, North Campus, 84 University Ave., Lowell
What: “The Healing Organization” will explore how businesses can become agents for positive change in communities around the world. The program will be led by Raj Sisodia, co-founder and co-chairman of Conscious Capitalism Inc., which provides support and networking services to entrepreneurs and business leaders committed to building a more inclusive and sustainable economy. His talk, which is free and open to the public, is the latest in the Distinguished Speaker Series presented by the Richard and Nancy Donahue Center for Business Ethics and Social Responsibility in UMass Lowell’s Manning School of Business. Members of the public who would like to attend should register at
Program Shares Southeast Asian Heritage with the Community
When and where: Tuesday, April 30, 6 to 7:15 p.m. O’Leary Library Learning Commons mezzanine, South Campus, 61 Wilder St., Lowell
What: Members of Lowell’s Southeast Asian community will read folktales, both in English and their native language, from a new, illustrated children’s book produced by the UMass Lowell Center for Asian American Studies. “A Long, Long Time Ago in Southeast Asia” includes traditional stories from Cambodia, Myanmar (Burma), Laos and Vietnam submitted by the public for the book, which celebrates the experience of the city’s immigrant and refugee populations. Copies of the book have been donated to Lowell public schools, where UMass Lowell faculty members are training teachers how to use multicultural children’s literature in the classroom. The book will be available for purchase at the event and proceeds will benefit the Southeast Asian community organizations participating in the project. Free parking will be available in the nearby Wilder Lot. Members of the public who would like more information should email
Mozart Masterpiece to be Performed at Free Concert
When and where: Tuesday, April 30, 8 p.m. Durgin Hall, South Campus, 35 Wilder St., Lowell
What: UMass Lowell students, faculty and staff, along with members of the community who sing in the University Choir, Chamber Singers and Choral Union will be accompanied by the University Orchestra for a free performance of Mozart’s Requiem for the campus and public. The ensemble will be conducted by Music Department faculty member Jonathan Richter. No tickets are required and free parking will be available in the nearby Wilder Lot. Members of the public who would like more information should email
Program Looks at Portuguese Immigrants’ Impact on Cambridge
When and where: Wednesday, May 1, 5 p.m. O’Leary Library Learning Commons, Room 327, South Campus, 61 Wilder St., Lowell
What: “A Place Shaped and Reshaped Over Time: Tales from the Portuguese Side of Cambridge” will explore how immigrants have influenced life in Cambridge’s Kendall Square neighborhood from the 1960s through today, as the community continues to evolve. Leading the free program for the campus and public will be Graça Índias Cordeiro, a professor of urban anthropology at the University Institute of Lisbon who is the UMass Lowell Gulbenkian/Saab Visiting Professor in Portuguese Studies. Free parking will be available in the nearby Wilder Lot. Members of the public who would like more information should email
Youth Wind Ensembles to Perform for the Public
When and where: Friday, May 3, 7:30 p.m. Durgin Hall, South Campus, 35 Wilder St., Lowell
What: Musicians in middle and high school from the Merrimack Valley, central Massachusetts and southern New Hampshire will present a free concert for the public as part of the New England Youth Wind Ensembles Program at UMass Lowell. The performance caps participants’ semester-long study of challenging wind band literature. Students return to their own school music programs with new techniques and skills, and more confidence in their playing. The junior and senior ensembles are directed by Debra-Nicole Huber, associate director of university bands and director of instrumental music outreach who is a UMass Lowell graduate. No tickets are required and free parking will be available in the nearby Wilder Lot. Members of the public who would like more information may email