Story and Source Ideas for Journalists

The design for the U.S. Mint's 2019 Massachusetts quarter in the America the Beautiful series, which features Lowell National Historical Park Image by U.S. Mint
United States Mint and Lowell National Historical Park representatives will unveil the new Lowell quarter at an event on Wednesday, Feb. 6.


Contact: Nancy Cicco: 978-934-4944, and Christine Gillette: 978-934-2209,

This is a notice of upcoming events, photo opportunities and story ideas at UMass Lowell. In case of inclement weather, call UMass Lowell’s weather hotline at 978-934-2121; if the university is closed, events are canceled. For more, visit

Sources of the week 

UMass Lowell faculty experts are available to discuss: 

  • Expectations for and reaction to President Trump’s State of the Union address tomorrow;
  • Why this week’s temperatures are expected to soar into the 50s after last week’s bitter cold. 

Contact UMass Lowell media relations if you need an expert source on any subject.

U.S. Mint Launches Lowell Quarter into Circulation 

When and where: Wednesday, Feb. 6, 10 a.m. Lowell Memorial Auditorium, 50 East Merrimack St., Lowell

What: Leaders from the United States Mint and Lowell National Historical Park will unveil a new quarter featuring a design that highlights Lowell’s past as the birthplace of the American Industrial Revolution. UMass Lowell’s Ellen Anstey of the Tsongas Industrial History Center – a partnership between the university and the national park – was instrumental in ensuring the new quarter became a reality. The coin is the latest in the U.S. Mint America the Beautiful Program. Speakers at the free, public event are expected to include UMass Lowell Chancellor Jacquie Moloney, former U.S. Rep. Niki Tsongas and Lowell City Manager Eileen Donoghue. 

Future of Art and Music Showcased at UMass Lowell

When and where: Programs and performances will be held Wednesday, Feb. 6 through Friday, Feb. 8 across campus. Interactive installations will be exhibited at campus venues through Tuesday, March 5.

What: The 404 International Festival of Art & Technology will present interactive experiences, performances and programs that incorporate virtual reality, artificial intelligence, social media and more. Free and open to the public, the festival features UMass Lowell graduates and faculty, along with artists from Argentina, Canada, Korea and Taiwan. Programs include:

  • Artists’ talk – 404 Festival founder Gina Valenti will discuss the origins and aims of the event and exhibit contributors will present their latest endeavors. Wednesday, Feb. 6, 3:30 to 5 p.m. O’Leary Library Learning Commons, Room 222, South Campus, 61 Wilder St., Lowell
  • Artists’ receptions – Creators behind the works on display, including a recent UMass Lowell computer science grad from Ayer, will be available to talk about their inspiration and creative process at two events on Wednesday, Feb. 6 from 5 to 6:30 p.m. at University Gallery, Mahoney Hall, South Campus, 870 Broadway St., Lowell, and on Friday, Feb. 8 from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Lydon Library, North Campus, 84 University Ave., Lowell
  • Animation screening and concert – Performers will include Valenti and Art of the Loop, an innovative electroacoustic music ensemble featuring UMass Lowell faculty member Ramon Castillo that transforms sound effects into an immersive sensory experience. – Thursday, Feb. 7, 7 to 8:30 p.m., Durgin Hall, South Campus, 35 Wilder St., Lowell 

For a complete list of events and venues, members of the public should visit or email

Building a Positive Personal Brand is Topic of Free Event

When and where: Thursday, Feb. 7, 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. UMass Lowell Innovation Hub, 110 Canal St., Lowell.

What: “Make Your Personal Brand a Major Asset” will be presented by UMass Lowell’s Innovation Hub in Lowell. The free program will feature Lorna Boucher, managing director and chief marketing officer of Instinet Holdings Inc., who brings more than 25 years of experience in marketing and brand management to her role. Boucher – a Lowell native who is a graduate of UMass Lowell’s Manning School of Business and member of the school’s advisory board – will share her expertise on how individuals can build their brand through strategic thinking, personal insight and consistent implementation across an array of communication channels. Members of the public who are interested in attending should register online at

When and where: Wednesday, Feb. 13, 5:30 p.m. UMass Lowell Innovation Hub, 2 Merrimack St., Haverhill

What: The legal considerations behind launching a business will be explored at a free program for the public at UMass Lowell’s Innovation Hub in Haverhill. Partners from the law firm of Foley & Lardner LLP of Boston will discuss the best practices to follow and traps to avoid when facing intellectual property concerns, hiring, drawing up contracts and more. The iHub is located at UMass Lowell’s Haverhill campus in the heart of the city’s downtown and just a short walk from the MBTA commuter rail and public parking. Members of the public interested in attending should register in advance at or email