Experts: Dangerous Holiday Decorations, Toys; Flu Season

Contacts for media: Nancy Cicco: 978-934-4944, and Christine Gillette: 978-934-2209,
This is a notice of upcoming events, photo opportunities and story ideas at UMass Lowell. In case of inclement weather, call UMass Lowell’s weather hotline at 978-934-2121; if the university is closed, on-campus events are canceled. For more, visit
Sources of the week
UMass Lowell faculty experts are available to discuss:
- Dangerous chemicals in some holiday decorations and toys, and the push for stronger safety standards;
- The outlook for this winter’s flu season, including who is at the highest risk to fall ill.
Contact UMass Lowell media relations if you need an expert source on any subject.
Makerspace Hosts Free Event for the Community
When and where: Tuesday, Dec. 10, 4 p.m. Lawrence Lin Makerspace, Falmouth Hall, Room 102, North Campus, 1 University Ave., Lowell
What: UMass Lowell’s Lawrence Lin Makerspace will host a free open house for the public and university that will include tours and the opportunity to use machining equipment and 3D printers to make items such as bracelets, key chains, picture frames and more. UMass Lowell representatives will be on hand to demonstrate how the machines operate and offer assistance. Items created by UMass Lowell students will also be on display. Free parking will be available in the nearby Riverside Lot. Members of the public who would like more information should email or call Makerspace Lab Manager Paul Wolff at 978-934-2504.
Free Concert Spotlights K-12 Musicians in String Project
When and where: Tuesday, Dec. 10, 7 p.m. Durgin Hall, South Campus, 35 Wilder St., Lowell
What: “Winter Wonder,” a free concert for the campus and community, will be presented by local public school students learning to play string instruments through the nationally acclaimed UMass Lowell String Project. Elementary through high school students will perform traditional and contemporary orchestral favorites in a variety of groups, from the Prelude Ensemble for the youngest participants to the Lowell Youth Orchestra. The concert will be conducted by UMass Lowell graduate Allyn McCourt. Free parking is available in the nearby Wilder Lot. Members of the public who would like more information should email
Entrepreneurs Share Stories from the Trenches
When and where: Wednesday, Dec. 11, 6 p.m. UMass Lowell Innovation Hub, Harbor Place, 2 Merrimack St., Haverhill
What: Local entrepreneurs will share their successes, challenges and what lies ahead for them at a free event for the public. Speakers will include Brenna Schneider, founder and CEO of 99Degrees, an apparel and wearable technology manufacturer in Lawrence, and Tim Panagos, founder of, a data management software company with offices in Haverhill. The program, one in the UMass Lowell Innovation Hub’s Entrepreneur Development Series, will be moderated by Tom O’Donnell, the university’s senior director of innovation initiatives. Members of the public who would like more information should email
Art and Design Majors Exhibit Work, Share Inspiration
When and where: Artists’ reception, Thursday, Dec. 19, 5 p.m. Exhibit runs Thursday, Dec. 19 through Monday, Dec. 23 and Thursday, Jan. 2 through Wednesday, Jan. 8. University Gallery, Mahoney Hall, South Campus, 870 Broadway St., Lowell
What: UMass Lowell students pursuing bachelor of fine arts degrees will display their senior thesis projects at a free exhibit for the community and campus that features a variety of media, including drawing, painting, sculpture and 3D interactive installations. The artists – who hail from Framingham, Lowell and Methuen, along with Pelham, N.H. – will talk about their creative process with fellow students, family, faculty and the public during a reception that will kick off the show. Members of the public who wish to view the exhibit after the Dec. 19 artists’ reception should contact