By Nada Khogeer

The Kennedy College of Sciences, Department of Physics and Applied Physics, invites you to a Master's Thesis defense by Nada Khogeer, "Time-Local Quantum Master Equations for Classical Non-Markovian Noise."

Date: Friday, April 4, 2025
Time: 1 to 3 p.m.
Location: Olney Hall, Room 115

Hugo Ribeiro, Dr. rer. nat., Department of Physics and Applied Physics, UMass Lowell

Committee Members:
Viktor Podolskiy, Ph.D., Department of Physics and Applied Physics, UMass Lowell
Andrew Rogers, Ph.D., Department of Physics and Applied Physics, UMass Lowell


The standard formalism to model the effects of noise on a quantum system is to use a time-local Lindblad master equation. Lindblad master equations have become extremely popular to model decoherence in quantum systems due to both their simplicity and transparency. This often leads to their use in situations for which their validity is questionable, e.g., to describe the dynamics of a driven quantum system (out-of-equilibrium) in the presence of Gaussian non-Markovian noise. While one could use the Nakajima-Zwanzig equation to deal with non-Markovian noise, both these formalisms are usually numerically involved, and thus limited to small quantum systems. Here, I present a method based on the stochastic Magnus expansion and the Novikov theorem to derive a time-local master equation for a driven quantum system in the presence of classical, non-Markovian noise. I will illustrate the general formalism by discussing the problem of single-qubit gate generation.