By Sofia D'Ambrosio

Are you interested in applying to the National Science Foundation Faculty Early Career Development (NSF CAREER) program? The Office of Research Development (ORD) presents an annual series of workshops about NSF CAREER to support pre-tenure faculty in strengthening their CAREER proposals.

This spring, the last workshop in our three-part CAREER series has been shifted from an in-person event to an online format:

Insights from NSF CAREER Awardees and the Office of Sponsored Programs (Virtual)
Date/Time: Thursday, April 3, 2 to 4 p.m.
Register in Advance

Join ORD for a moderated panel discussion with previous NSF CAREER awardees who will present their projects and answer audience questions. Sara Akashian, Assistant Director of Grants and Contracts Administration from the Office of Sponsored Programs, will also review the submission process for CAREER proposals at UMass Lowell, including an overview of UMass Lowell's internal deadlines and budgeting tips for a smooth submission.

More information and additional NSF CAREER proposal preparation resources can be found on ORD’s NSF CAREER Series page.

Please contact rd@uml.edu with any questions.