By Joris Roos
The Department of Mathematics and Statistics invites you to attend a colloquium lecture by Zhanar Berikkyzy, Fairfield University, on Wednesday, April 2.
Title: Rainbow numbers of equations and graphs
Time: 11 a.m. to Noon
Room: Southwick Hall, Room 350W
Everyone is welcome!
Abstract: The rainbow number of a set of integers $X$ for a given equation $eq$ is the smallest number of colors $r$ such that every exact $r$-coloring of $X$ admits a rainbow solution to the equation $eq$. During this talk, we will discuss this number for several important equations, including Schur's and Sidon equations. We will then consider this parameter in graph setting and connect it to the anti-van der Waerden number of a graph, the fewest number of colors needed to guarantee a rainbow 3-term arithmetic progression. We will survey recent results for various classes of graphs, including trees and products of trees.
Visit the Mathematics and Statistics Colloquium website for more information.